Repetition of Mandatory Activities

Mandatory activities that have been approved cannot normally be repeated when they do not count towards the final results. The Faculty is allowed to make exceptions from this.

The following applies to PBL instruction and Clinical Practice Periods in Medicine

  • Students, whose attendance in PBL has been approved, will normally not be permitted to attend PBL tutorials a second time.
  • Students, whose Clinical Practice periods (in the 1st, 8th and 10th semester) have been approved, will not be allowed to repeat their placement.
  • Students, who are preparing for a third examination attempt, may apply to attend PBL tutorials, even if he/she has approved attendance from an earlier attempt. Send the application to

Other mandatory activities

  • Students may apply to repeat other mandatory activities, like courses and clinical small group teaching. The application must be sent to the module coordinator. The permission will only be granted if there are available places. If permission is granted, the student is subject to the same attendance rules as the other students.
Published May 3, 2011 3:44 PM - Last modified Nov. 20, 2017 12:29 PM