Exemption, promotion and preparatory course for Medicine students

Students who have taken the same or a similar examination at another faculty/university, may apply for a course and examination exemption, Being granted a course and examination exemption does not give an automatic right to a place in a higher class (promotion).

The procedure for applying for an exemption and/or a class promotion:

  • The student must send the application to the Faculty within set deadlines. If the application is not granted, the student must re-apply every semester.
  • The Faculty responds to applications for exemptions/ promotions in mid August and early January.
  • Applications are only evaluated in relation to any open places in the class the student primarily wishes to enter, and not in relation to lower classes that the student already has passed or been given an exemption for.
  • Whether a class is full or not is decided by the size of the class in mid August and early January. There are normally 105 students in each class.. Promotions are only granted if at the time of the evaluation there are 104 or fewer students in the class the student has applied for promotion to.
  • Students who are admitted to the programme in a spring semester, cannot apply for promotion before they enrol because they do not have a place in the programme before that time

If there are more applicants than open places once a class has been tidied up for the following semester, those who have applied the greatest number of times will be given priority. If there are students with the same priority level, lots will be drawn to determine who are granted a promotion..

Students with an exemption may apply to attend the Preparatory Clincal  course for Medicine students in the 3rd semester and/ or 4A even if they are not granted a promotion to the relevant class. This offer is only made available if there are open places.

Published May 20, 2011 10:48 PM - Last modified May 22, 2011 6:06 PM