The International Course on Cultural Psychiatry and Global Mental Health, Kathmandu, 2017

The course was conducted at the Global Health Conference Hall, MOHEGO building, Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal from 16th to 17th October 2017.

Group photo of participants and trainers. Photo: Suraj Thapa

Please visit the event page.

Carrying a vision to provide newer knowledge and understanding by bringing together mental health professionals from different parts of the world “International Course on Cultural Psychiatry and Global Mental Health 2017” was planned by three leading Universities of the three different continents; McGill University, Canada; Institute of Medicine (IOM), Tribhuvan University (TU), Nepal and University of Oslo (UiO), Norway. After several years’ experience of conducting international seminars in collaboration with Norwegian Psychiatric Association, Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, IOM, TUTH has expanded it further by involving Division of Social & Transcultural Psychiatry & Global Mental Health Program, McGill University.

Among the several prominent figures as the resource persons, Professor Laurence Kirmayer and Professor Jaswant Guzder from McGill University Montreal, Canada, the pioneer in this field, were the major ones. The course was designed to provide knowledge on cultural psychiatry, trauma and global mental health with experiences from all over the world including Canada, Nepal and Norway. The course has been accredited by Nepal Medical Association. 

Organizing Team/Representatives:

  • Dr Saroj Prasad Ojha, Professor & Head, Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Institute of Medicine (IOM), Tribhuvan University (TU), Nepal
  • Dr Laurence J. Kirmayer, Professor & Director, Division of Social & Transcultural Psychiatry & Global Mental Health Program, McGill University, Canada
  • Dr Suraj Thapa, Associate Professor, Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Institute of Clinical Medicine, & Centre for Global Health, University of Oslo, Norway

Course Coordinator:

  •    Dr. Rishav Koirala, PhD research fellow, University of Oslo


  • To provide knowledge on cultural psychiatry and its impact on daily practice and management of patients with different sociocultural background.
  • To make mental health professionals as well as people involved in mental health, aware about the Global Mental Health.
  • To update on recent advances on biological and cultural aspects of trauma.
  • To bring together people involved in mental health from different parts of the world in order to share their learning and experiences.

Briefly about the resource persons:

Jaswant Guzder, MD is Professor, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, and active in Divisions of Child Psychiatry and Social and Transcultural Psychiatry. At the Jewish General Hospital, she is Head of Child Psychiatry, Co-Director of Childhood Disorders Day Hospital, Senior Clinician (founding co-director) Cultural Consultation Service, and Director of the Fellowship in Family Therapy Training. She is actively involved in teaching, training, research collaborations (currently on follow-up of high risk children, mental health promotion, child war trauma and rape culture in university campus context), global health training and consulting in Jamaica, Nepal and India, and in visual arts.

Laurence J. Kirmayer, MD, FRCPC, FCAHS, FRSC is James McGill Professor and Director, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University and Co-director of the McGill Global Mental Health Program. He is Editor-in-Chief of Transcultural Psychiatry, and Director of the Culture & Mental Health Research Unit at the Institute of Community and Family Psychiatry, Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, where he conducts research on culturally responsive mental health services, the mental health of Indigenous peoples, and the anthropology of psychiatry. He founded and directs the annual Summer Program and Advanced Study Institute in Cultural Psychiatry at McGill. His current research includes studies on: culturally based, family centered mental health promotion for Indigenous youth; the use of cultural formulation in cultural consultation; and the place of culture in global mental health. He co-edited the volumes, Understanding Trauma: Integrating Biological, Clinical, and Cultural Perspectives (Cambridge University Press), Healing Traditions: The Mental Health of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada (University of British Columbia Press), Cultural Consultation: Encountering the Other in Mental Health Care (Springer), DSM-5 Handbook for the Cultural Formulation Interview (APPI), and Re-Visioning Psychiatry: Cultural Phenomenology, Critical Neuroscience and Global Mental Health (Cambridge). He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and of the Royal Society of Canada (Academy of Social Sciences).

Suraj B. Thapa, MD, MPhil, PhD is Associate Professor at the University of Oslo and Senior Consultant Psychiatrist at Oslo University Hospital. He is the head of the research group- Traumatic Stress Forced Migration and Global Mental Health at the University of Oslo and the Board of Transcultural Psychiatry, Norwegian Psychiatric Association. He is currently leading the research project- Study of Outcome of Trauma (SHOT Study) in Norway and Nepal. He is also a CBT and EMDR therapist. He has been involved in collaboration between Norway and Nepal for several years.

Saroj P. Ojha, MD, is Professor at the Tribhuvan University of Nepal, and Head of Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Institute of Medicine (IOM), Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital in Kathmandu. He is working in the IOM, which was founded in 1972 under Tribhuvan University for “Training of Human Resources for Health” for the whole country. IOM is one of the innovative medical schools in South Asia. Currently, he is one of the five members of Implementing Committee of IOM, which is responsible for policy implementation of different programs in IOM.
He is the immediate past president of Psychiatrists’ Association of Nepal and Vice President of Nepal Epilepsy Society. He is actively involved in teaching, training, research activities in IOM and building capacity of medical doctors, lawyers and judges of Nepal government. He is also involved in international research collaborations like conducting PTGI scale contextualization and validation study in Nepal (supported by Yokohama City Hospital, Japan) and local supervisors for Ph.D. program in Nepal for University of Oslo, Norway.

Cecilie Jávo, MD, PhD, is the Associate professor at the University of Tromsø, the Arctic University of Norway and a senior consultant child psychiatrist at the Sámi National Competence Center for Mental Health and Substance Abuse (SANKS) in Karasjok, Norway. Her field of research is cross-cultural psychiatry, mainly on the indigenous Sámi population in Norway. She is currently leading an epidemiological research project in Nepal on child & adolescent mental health. She has been the leader of the Board of Transcultural Psychiatry, Norwegian Psychiatric Association, 2008 – 2016.

Arun Kunwar, MD. After completing his residency in Psychiatry and Child &Adolescent Psychiatry (CAP) at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York, he joined the same department as Assistant Professor. During his tenure there he was awarded Pilot Research Award (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2005) and Young Investigator Award (NARSAD, 2008). He moved to Nepal in 2009 and was Associate Professor at Kathmandu Medical College. Presently, he is the only Child & Adult Psychiatrist of Nepal and leads the only full time Child and Adolescent Psychiatric clinic of Nepal at Kanti Children’s Hospital. He is also the President of the Psychiatrists’ Association of Nepal.

Sekhar Seshadri, MD is a graduate of Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi and a post-graduate in Psychiatry from National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS),Bangalore. He is currently Professor and Head, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, (NIMHANS), Bangalore. Besides working with child and adolescent mental health including developmental disabilities, he is actively involved in the areas of gender and sexualities,  violence/trauma and abuse, children in difficult circumstances, juvenile justice, experiential methodologies, school programmes/teacher training in life skills education, Community and school mental health programmes, forum theatre and qualitative research. Contact NIMHANS, Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560 029. Karnataka. India.

Rishav Koirala, MD is a PhD Scholar from UiO, Norway who is working on health outcomes of trauma in the SHOT study. He currently runs the first and only Psycho-oncology clinic in Nepal at NCHRC. As the former Focal Person for Mental Health in WHO, Nepal, he had introduced mhGAP-HIG in health ministry of Nepal and has worked in community psychiatry. He is also Joint Treasurer at Psychiatrists Association of Nepal. He has been active organizing national and international mental health events in Nepal.


October 16 (Day1)

08:30 -09:00

Registration & tea/coffee


  • Inauguration Program:
  • Welcome speech objective of the workshop by Prof. Saroj Prasad Ojha, Head of Department of Psychiatry, IOM, TUTH.
  • Inauguration of the seminar by Prof Jagadish Prasad Agrawal, Dean, IOM,TUTH
  • Greetings from McGill University by Prof. Laurence Kirmayer.
  • Greetings from Norway by Associate Prof. Suraj Thapa
  • Remarks by Prof Jagadish  Prasad Agrawal, Dean, IOM,TUTH
  • Vote of thanks by Prof V. D. Sharma, Department of Psychiatry, IOM, TUTH

09:30- 09:45

Coffee Break

09:45-10: 00 

Introduction of the participants: Dr Rishav Koirala

10:00- 10:45 

The place of culture in global mental health – Prof. Kirmayer



11:00- 12:00 

Research methods in cultural psychiatry – Prof. Kirmayer

12:00- 13:00 

Lunch break


Intergenerational legacies of trauma – Prof. Guzder

13:45- 14:15

Trauma, resilience and recovery – Prof. Kirmayer


Coffee break


Mental health situation and challenges in Nepal –Prof. Ojha


Biology of trauma by Asso. Prof. Thapa/ Dr. Koirala


Event  Dinner at Radisson Hotel, Lazimpat

October 17:  (Day 2)          




Culturally based mental health promotion – Prof. Guzder


Integrating cultural safety and competence in mental health training - Prof. Kirmayer

10:45- 11:00 

Coffee Break


Working with families – Prof. Guzder



13:00- 13:30

Child & adolescent psychiatry – ways of bridging the service gap in rural Nepal- Dr. Arun Kunwar


Cultural considerations in child mental health and psychosocial interventions – Prof. Seshadri


Coffee break


The Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) – adaptation to a minority child population in Norway -Ass. Prof. Javo

14:30- 15:30

Discussions followed by the closing ceremony


The course was designed for mental health professionals which include; adult and child psychiatrists/ psychologists, nurses, public health workers, sociologists, anthropologists, social workers, mental health activists, user organizations, child health workers etc. There were total 45 participants with different background related to mental health. The name list and designation is present in the annex.


The ICCPGMH 2017 was an intensive course that ran for 2 full days. The program started with the welcome speech by Prof Dr. Saroj Prasad Ojha who highlighted the objectives of the course, which was followed by short comments regarding the course and the collaboration by the Dean of IOM, TUTH, Prof. Dr. Jagdish Prasad Agrawal, Prof. Laurence Kirmayer and Associate Prof. Suraj Thapa. This was followed by the introduction and interaction among participants.

 Prof. Kirmayer then highlighted the role of culture in global mental health and explained that without including the culture the evaluation of a patient would never be complete. Then he talked about what all aspects need to be taken into consideration while doing a research in cultural psychiatry. The participants with full interest and enthusiasm received the lectures given by the trainers. Commenting on the lecture of Prof. Laurence Kirmayer one of the participants said, “ It was music to my ears and I didn’t want him to end his lectures”.

Then Prof Guzder spoke regarding the impact of trauma on the generations that follow. The lecture was followed by lectures on trauma related to resilience given by Prof Laurence and the biochemical and genetic basis of trauma delivered by Dr. Thapa and Dr. Koirala. Then Prof. Ojha highlighted regarding the mental health situation in Nepal.

The next day course started with sharing of experiences by Prof. Guzder regarding her work in Jamaica. Then Prof. Kirmayer talked about how cultural safety and competence is important during the evaluation and treatment of a patient. During this he also gave ideas about what all instruments can be used for better evaluation.

Then after the break, Prof. Guzder introduced something new to Nepal, “Family Therapy”. She discussed about its implications and the modalities and its benefits. That was followed by sessions that focused on Child Psychiatry. It started with Dr. Arun Kunwar delivering a lecture on how services can be improved in rural areas for children having psychological issues. Then Prof. Seshadri explained about the cultural considerations regarding the evaluation of a child. He highlighted how trauma would have a different impact in different situations on children. The final lecture was given by Associate Prof Cecilie Jávo, who talked about Cultural Formulation Interview and how it has shown good impact while dealing with indigenous Sami people of Norway.

Conclusion and recommendations:

Since the concept of cultural psychiatry is new to Nepal, the lectures widened the perspective of the local participants, hence improving their knowledge in dealing with their work. The presence of prominent speakers from around the world also gave a boost to the education of mental health in Nepal. This kind of program should be regularly conducted in Nepal to increase the capacity of the professionals involved in Mental Health in Nepal. We plan to organize similar kind of conferences in future.

Acknowledgement to Collaborators and Sponsors:

We would like to thank all the people and institutions involved in making the course successful.

Queries to the presenter. Photo: Suraj Thapa


Please download a PDF of the report here.

By Suraj Thapa
Published Dec. 6, 2017 9:47 PM - Last modified Jan. 28, 2021 2:17 PM