Mobility of students to Jimma University and St. Paul Millenium Medical College

The EXCEL SMART program offers mobility scholarships for students from the University of Oslo to follow courses, contribute to research or do volunteer work in Ethiopia.

Next application round will be in the autumn of 2021. 

Updated information about availability and application procedures will be posted here, as well as spread through program information to master and PhD students in the beginning of the autumn semester 2021. Please come back then, or contact administrative coordinator: Ester Mæland

About the project

The EXCEL SMART project offers UiO students a unique opportunity to increase their global health competencies, develop academic and intercultural skills, and finally expand their international and professional network in a developing country.

Through their Community-Based Education (CBE), Jimma University aim to produce professionals who are responsive to the development needs of society, involve the community in the problem identification and solving process of learning for development, empower the community to address their development needs within local resources and work with partners and stakeholders to improve the lives of society. 

It was very instructive to see the health care system (in Jimma, Ethiopia). I have been to the region, but I have never seen things quite like this before.

- Stine, a former exchange student with EXCEL SMART.

Different mobility oportunities

Courses with ECTS

Students can choose to follow courses at Jimma University, either as summer courses or in combination with other activities.

There are three elective courses approved for credit transfer to UiO:

  1. Advanced Biostatistics
  2. Advanced Epidemiology
  3. Monitoring and Evaluation


PhD students can contribute to a specific research project or do their own research in collaboration with JU or SPHMMC staff.

Master or medical students can collect data for their master's or project thesis. Master students will get support from a local advisor at our Ethiopian partner universities.