Introductory health and safety course for laboratory workers

IMBs introductory health and safety course for laboratory workers consists of two parts. 1 hour classroom education and an online course in safe handling of chemicals of about 1.5 hours.

Target audience

Employees and affiliated staff at IMB working in the laboratory.

Course schedule 2023

  • Date: April 27th
  • Time: 09:30 - 11:00
  • Place: L-200
  • Course language: English


Attendees will get an introduction to basic laboratory safety and local safety routines. Participants will also be familiarized to the organization of the health and safety system at the Institute and the University and receive information about the services and support functions that is offered for its researchers.

The course is mandatory for all new employees and affiliated staff working in the laboratory, but we encourage everyone who wants to come to sign up.

After attending this course, everyone working with chemicals must also complete an online course in safe handling of chemicals of about 1.5 hours. All of the courses are free of charge and certificates can be requested from the HSE coordinator. You can sign up for the online course at anytime by contacting for an invitation code.

Main instructor

Laboratory adviser at Department of Molecular Medicine: Kirsten Grundt


If you have any problems with registration or have questions regarding HSE training, please contact

Publisert 12. jan. 2015 11:04 - Sist endret 11. apr. 2023 09:53