Nettsider med emneord «USA»

Publisert 13. apr. 2011 14:54
Publisert 8. nov. 2012 14:30
Publisert 8. nov. 2012 16:31

The Research Group is conducting large randomized trials and observation studies to test and compare diagnostic and therapeutic clinical interventions in different areas of clinical medicine. The overarching goal is to find out what works and what does not. More than 300,000 patients are currently enrolled in studies run by the group.

Publisert 23. feb. 2011 14:51

Economic evaluation involves methods to assess the cost-effectiveness of treatments, procedures, diagnostics, screening practices, healthcare delivery routes and technologies in a broad sense.

EPOS logo
Publisert 8. okt. 2014 14:52

The EPoS-project is addressing one of the most important challenges in the prevention of colorectal cancer; the surveillance of patients that have had colorectal polyps removed (polypectomy). The study is conducted by leading researchers within gastroenterology, epidemiology and biostatistics from Europe and the United States.

Publisert 24. nov. 2015 14:12

Risk of colorectal cancer in inflammatory bowel disease

– a multinational cohort study.

Publisert 6. jan. 2015 11:42

The project is aimed at optimizing resource-use within preventive health services for HPV-related disease, while simultaneously ensuring that these strategies continue to maximize health by reducing morbidity and mortality.

Bildet kan inneholde: kvinne, ansikt, mennesker, fotografi, ansiktsuttrykk.
Publisert 14. jan. 2020 10:14

Rett og mulighet til å delta i forebyggende folkehelsetiltak kan være vel så viktig som å kunne gjøre et informert valg om å avstå. Michael Bretthauer og Mette Kalager ved Klinisk effektforskning publiserte i dag en lederartikkel i tidsskriftet Annals of Internal Medicine, der de belyser nye sider ved sosial ulikhet i folkehelseprogrammer.

Mette Kalager og Michael Bretthauer
Publisert 15. des. 2020 12:50

Fagmiljøene i i USA har de siste årene gått i retning av å redusere alderen for oppstart av tarmkreftscreening. De mener at også personer under 50 år bør screenes, fordi det har vært en stor økning av tarmkreft blant yngre. En ny studie viser at dette ikke var riktig. 

Publisert 3. mars 2015 08:50

The Painful musculoskeletal condition group generates knowledge on mechanisms, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation in painful musculoskeletal conditions.

Publisert 10. mars 2015 11:25

The goal of this research group is to generate knowledge of the mechanisms and consequences of trauma, trends and challenges in treatment and rehabilitation, including the patient's healthcare needs focused on traumatic brain injury; TBI, multiple trauma and atraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage; aSAH.

Publisert 8. jan. 2015 13:27

Gruppen forsker på årsaker og risikofaktorer ved selvmord og selvskading, og utvikler og evaluerer behandlingsmetoder på dette feltet.

Bildet kan inneholde: smil, mote, sosial gruppe, samfunnet, mennesker.
Publisert 16. nov. 2023 14:43

Kristina Haugaa har fått forskningsmidler sammen med University of Minnesota for å forstå mer av hjertesykdommen Lamin A/C kardiomyopati.

social group, smile
Publisert 17. okt. 2023 10:37

MEDRA is an acronym for The Medicalisation of Democratic Rights on the Debate about Abortion. MEDRA is a research group in SHE with funding from UiO:Democracy.

lecturer, table, computer, floor
Publisert 1. apr. 2023 17:05

For the last 3 months I have been a visiting lecturer at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas.

Publisert 13. apr. 2011 14:53
Publisert 4. mai 2011 15:19

Our research group's main goal is to better understand basic molecular and cellular adaptive immunology, and to translate this knowledge into improved vaccines and treatments against infectious diseases and cancer.

Publisert 8. jan. 2015 13:27

The research group studies causes and risk factors for suicide and self-harming behaviour, and evaluates and develops treatment methods.

Publisert 9. des. 2014 10:31
Publisert 13. apr. 2011 14:55
Publisert 23. okt. 2012 14:01

OMT is a long-term treatment of heroin addiction using drugs together with psychosocial interventions.

Publisert 4. des. 2015 10:49

Our group performs research on pregnancy complications, gynaecological cancer and urogynaecology.

Publisert 8. jan. 2015 13:29

The research group aims to address suicide and deliberate self-harm with data from Norwegian registers. Such large scale population studies could provide rich insights to inform national strategies for effective treatment and prevention.

Publisert 13. apr. 2011 14:54