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CanCell annual plan


Time and place: , Strømstad

This year the CanCell annual retreat will take place on 9-10 October at Strømstad Spa.


Time and place: , ICR Auditorium

CanCell presents a seminar with Clotilde Théry, INSERM director of research, Institut Curie, France

Time and place: , Domus Bibliotheca - Auditorium 14
Time and place: , ICR Radium Hospital, K-Building, K06.120, 6th floor.
Time and place: , Auditorium 1, ICR K building

Scientists Featuring talks by Lena Klinke from My Green Lab and Sven Le Moine-Bauer from the first lab in Norway to be My Green Lab certified. Event hosted by The ICR PostDoc Forum in collaboration with CanCell Young Scientists.

Time and place: , Institute for Cancer Research, Seminar Room 1&2

CanCell Young Scientists invite you to a workshop on science communication with Elisabet Garcia Gonzalez

Time and place: , Institute for Cancer Research, Norwegian Radium Hospital, K-building. Ullernchausseen 70, 0379 Oslo

Mass Spectrometry Imaging as a new tool in cancer research

Time and place: , ICR Auditorium

CanCell presents a seminar with Zoi Diamantopoulou from Beatson Institute on Friday January 26th. The title of her talk is: (TBC)

Time and place: , ICR Auditorium

CanCell presents a seminar with Mariano Barbacid from the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO) on Wednesday January 17th. The title of his talk is: "Targeting KRAS mutant cancers. Light at the end of the tunnel"

Time and place: , Building K, Seminar room 1+2

The Equality Forum at CanCell is thrilled to extend a warm invitation to our upcoming event "Fostering Safety and Diversity in CanCell"

Time and place: , Digital

CanCell presents a digital seminar by Niveditha Umesh Katyayini and Eline Rødningen on December 18th where they will describe how to set-up and use electronic lab journal using eLabJournal.

Time and place: , Strømstad

This year the annual retreat will take place on 26-27 October at Strømstad Spa.

Time and place: , Auditorium, K building

We will host a seminar by Professor David Pellman from Harvard Medical School & Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. David Pellman works on the mechanism of cell division and how certain cell division errors drive rapid genome evolu1on. The normal processes studied in his laboratory have included spindle positioning and asymmetric cell division, the mechanism of spindle assembly and cytokinesis, and the mechanism of nuclear envelope assembly and how it is coordinated with chromosome segregation.


CanCell holds the semiannual symposium on June 12. 


CanCell has the pleasure of presenting Dr. Eleni Tomazou (St. Anna Children's Cancer Research Institute, Vienna, Austria) as a guest lecturer. 

Time and place: , Auditorium, K building

We will host a seminar with Professor Eugenia Piddini from the University of Bristol on March 23rd. She is a Group Leader and Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bristol. Her lab is exploring how cell competition could be harnessed for therapeutic strategies in regenerative medicine and cancer. Their goal is to understand the impact of cell competition on tissues and the mechanisms that cells use to compete. For this they combine studies in Drosophila to capture the complexity of these interactions in vivo, and mammalian cell culture to follow the dynamics of cell competition.

Time and place: , ICR Seminar Room 1+2

CanCell hosts professor Jörg Renkawitz from Ludwig Maximillian Universität, München on Friday February 10. His talk is titled "How Cells Move: Insights from Motile Immune Cells and Advanced Live Cell Imaging". Birgitte Bjørnerud from Wesche group will be the CanCell Young shot with her talk "Cell migration drug screening using CellTraxx, a novel automatic cell tracking tool".

Time and place: , ICR Auditorium

We kick off the sixth year of CanCell with the General Meeting on January 18, where status and plans for the next year will be revealed

Time and place: , Auditorium, research (K) building, Radiumhospital

We are having a final CanCell seminar before the holidays, and are sincerely happy to present Steven Ray Wilson, an accomplished science communicator and professor in chemistry at UiO. He will talk about "Mass spectrometry: from the single cell to our global environment", and brings his PhD student Christine Olsen with him. Christine will have a young shot talk on the topic "Analysis of insulin in organoids".

Time and place: , IFI building, opposite to Forskningsparken) Ole-Johan Dahls hus, Gaustadalléen 23 B

It is time we get together and share our favorite traditional cuisines. Bring a dish from your region or country and share your traditions with all of us 😊🎈

Time and place: , Litteraturhuset

CYS is organizing a workshop on Mental Health in Academia with Dr. Zoë Ayres as a speaker 

Time and place: , ICR auditorium

CanCell is very excited to present Professor Ville Hietakangas. He is a professor at the Center of Excellence in Stem Cell Metabolism at University of Helsinki.

Time and place: , Son Spa

This year the annual retreat will take place on 20-21st October at Son Spa


This year the Scientific Advisory Board visit will take place on 29-30th September at both CanCell sites.  

Time and place: , Runde Auditorium, Domus Medica

Ana Sofia da Silva Lapão will defend her PhD Thesis on Sept 6