Liquido-phagy: Liquid condensates, their interaction with membranes and how they influence the formation of autophagosomes

Welcome to the next CanCell seminar scheduled for Wednesday 15th of August at 15:00 hrs.

Speaker: Dr Roland Knorr, group leader at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (MPICI) in Potsdam, Germany


Liquido-phagy: Liquid condensates, their interaction with membranes and how they influence the formation of autophagosomes by Dr Roland Knorr

Liquid condensation in the cytosol is increasingly recognized as a major principle of cellular organization. In contrast to conventional organelles, condensates are compartments which are not enclosed by lipid membranes. They have liquid-like properties and tend to form spherical shapes to minimize their interfacial area with the cytosol. Examples include cargoes of autophagy such as stress granules or P-bodies which suggests that liquid condensates can play an important role during autophagy. However, contact sites between biomembranes and liquid condensates are poorly understood. Here, I will address this important question. I will explain our experimental and theoretical work analyzing membrane shaping and the interaction between liquid compartments in general and will apply this knowledge in the context of autophagy.


Sebastian Schultz, CanCell
Published Aug. 8, 2018 2:35 PM - Last modified Mar. 23, 2022 1:21 PM