CanCell Retreat 2019 Holmen

The CanCell Annual Retreat for the centre's members will take place at Holmen Fjordhotell in Asker outside of Oslo




Image may contain: building, architecture, waterway, city, mixed-use.

Thursday 24th October


09.30   Departure by bus from Domus Medica (09.30) and the Radium Hospital (09.40)


10.00   Arrival at Holmen Fjordhotell


Venue: Seminar room


10.30   Welcome address by the PI group.  

11.00   CanCell awards 2019

            Three papers selected by the PIs will be presented by the 1st authors  


12.00 – 13.15  Lunch in the main restaurant  


            Session 1 Research & development (Chair: Harald)

13.15   Group expertise sharing session – CYS members 

            Joint project: CRISPR screen  

14.20   “How to bridge excellent research and technology-based industry” - Gerbrand Koster, (Inven2)


14.50 – 15.20  Coffee break 30’ – check in (rooms guaranteed from 15.00)


            Session 2 Bench to bedside (Chair: Anne)

15.20   “Acute Myelogenous Leukemia: From one size fits all to targeted therapy - Yngvar Fløisand (OUS)

15.50   “CanCell and Personalised cancer medicine” - Åslaug Helland (OUS)

16.20   Keynote speaker Marja Jäättelä (Danish Cancer Society, DK):

Control of lysosomal membrane integrity: Possibilities for clinical intervention


18.00 – 19.50  Poster session with refreshments in the foyer area


20.00   Dinner



Friday 25th October


07.30 – 08.45  Breakfast


            Session 3 CanCell projects (Chair: Ragnhild)

09.00   Jr Grant 02-19 awards  

Jr Grant 01-19 3 minute flash talks

09.20   Best Blog Topics

09.25   “Bioinformatics in CanCell”- Sigve Nakken (CanCell)

09.50     “SAMM50 and p62/SQSTM1 cooperate to mediate basal mitophagy during metabolic switch - Terje Johansen (UiT)          


10.15 – 10.45  Coffee break – check out (before 12.00)


            Session 4 Disease mechanisms (Chair: Jorrit)

10.45   "Avatars and Imaging in Cancer drug development

            - Emmet Mc Cormack (UiB)  

11.10   Keynote speaker Marcus Buschbeck (Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute, ESP): “Histone variants linking 3D chromatin architecture and metabolism


11.50   Closing remarks by Harald Stenmark and Anne Simonsen  


12.10 – 13.25  Lunch in the main restaurant  


13.30   Departure by bus from Holmen Fjordhotell





Published Aug. 28, 2019 1:14 PM - Last modified Oct. 23, 2019 9:48 AM