Image may contain: Product, Font, Slope, Parallel, Circle.


Time and place: , ICR Auditorium

CanCell is very excited to present Professor Ross Cagan. He is currently Regius Professor of Precision Medicine and Royal Society Wohl Fellow at University of Glasgow and Scientific Director of the Wolfson Wohl Cancer Research Centre. He was co-Founder and board member of the biotechnology company Medros Inc. 

Time and place: , Norefjells Ski&Spa

It is now confirmed that the annual retreat for CanCell will take place at Norefjell Ski&Spa 22-23 November! It will feature an exciting program and invited speakers, as well as the opportunity for outdoor activities in winter time! 

Time and place: , ICR Auditorium

CanCell is very happy to finally being able to present a physical seminar - with distinguished professor Miguel-Aliaga from MRC, UK. 

Time and place: , Grusomhetens teater

"Rebellion of the Cell" is a dance performance interweaving experimental dance and cellular biology

Time and place: , ICR, ZOOM, IMB

We are happy to invite you to the CanCell Semiannual symposium 2021.  Keynote speakers include Pier Paolo Di Fiore (Milano, Italy) and Eivind Hovig (IFI, ICR). 


CanCell is excited to present a Zoominar from Effie Apostolou, assistant professor at Weill Cornell Medical College, US. We will also introduce Ankush Sharma as Young Shot speaker prior the main talk.

Time and place: , Zoom

We will hold a CanCell user panel seminar on Wednesday May 12th, where research grants applicants in CanCell may get feedback from our User Panel. 

Time and place: , Zoom

We are very happy to present Thomas Meila as our next CanCell invited speaker. He is Associate Professor in Cell Biology at Yale University. Prior to his talk we will feature a young shot talk by CanCell's own Matthew Ng from the Autophagy group. 


CYS has invited Pina Kingman to hold an online workshop on Science Illustrations

Time and place: , Zoom

We are pleased to announce a CanCell seminar with Matthew Vander Heiden from Koch Institute. Vander Heiden is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology, and Associate Director of the Koch Institute at MIT, as well as a member of the Broad Institute. He is a practicing oncologist and instructor in Medicine at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute / Harvard Medical School. We will also introduce Kia Wee Tan as Young Shot from CanCell. 

Time and place: , Zoom

CYS will arrange the first workshop of 2021. It will focus on what to keep in mind when you want to write an excellent grant proposal.

Time and place: , Zoom

We are very happy to present Sara Sigismund from IFOM, Milano, Italy who will hold a Zoominar on Friday February 19. Her lab studies the molecular mechanisms governing endocytosis and signaling of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and how their alteration contributes to cancer development. Her lab also explore how endocytosis promotes breast cancer plasticity which promotes aggressiveness and metastasis.

Time and place: , Zoom

We kick off 2021 with the General Meeting - where we will present the plans for the year, new seminar group and the new CanCell young scientists (CYS).