CanCell Semiannual Symposium

CanCell holds the semiannual symposium on June 12. 

Prof. Inger Sandlie
Photo - UiO

Everyone is invited to a joint seminar with professor Inger Sandlie at 1000 followed by lunch at Domus Medica. Inger Sandlie is among Norway's most distinguished immunologists and cell biologists, a pioneer in scientific innovation and has vast experience in supervision and advisory work.  Among her start-ups are Vaccibody/Nykode and Authera.

After lunch the young scientists will travel by bus to Sundvolden for a separate get together including a nigh stay. The senior scientists will join CanCell's associated members and PIs for a workshop at Domus Juridica in downtown Oslo. 

Monday, 12 June

10:00                 Welcome and Introduction (Lille Auditorium, Domus Medica)

10:10                 The art of science - Inger Sandlie

11:00                 Lunch in the canteen 


Associated members workshop (Domus Juridica)

Young scientist get away (Sundvollen)

Monday, 12 June

12:30                 Departure by bus from Domus Medica
13:30                  Arrival and Check in at the hotel
14:00                   Welcome address by CYS and report about the mental health survey
14:30                   Speed dating (What do people in CanCell work with?)
15:30                   Coffee break
15:45                   Joint project brainstorming
17:15                   Coffee break
17:30                   Signum Grata
20:00                   Dinner

Tuesday, 13 June
Breakfast and Check out before 10:00 am
10:00                   Hike and other activities
12:00                   Lunch
13:00                   Departure by bus to Radium/ Domus Medica


Published Apr. 26, 2023 8:12 AM - Last modified June 7, 2023 4:22 PM