Marte Sneeggen's paper awarded OUH prize

The article in Nature Communication where Marte Sneeggen is first author was awarded Oslo University Hospital's semiannual prize for outstanding papers at a ceremony on Friday November 22nd.

Image may contain: hair, face, eyebrow, forehead, hairstyle.

The work performed in the group of Harald Stenmark, which has been previously described here , was lauded as "... laying the foundation for clinical studies on the importance of intracellular transport mechanisms that may play a crucial pathway for many medical challgenes". The prize includes a 50000 NOK research grant. This is the second award for outstanding article at OUH received by a CanCell researcher, after Fergal O'Farrell from Tor Erik Rusten's group. 



Published Nov. 28, 2019 10:41 AM - Last modified Mar. 23, 2022 1:25 PM