New article in Current Biology by Lie-Jensen and Haglund

Their Report "Centralspindlin Recruits ALIX to the Midbody during Cytokinetic Abscission in Drosophila via a Mechanism Analogous to Virus Budding" uncovers parallels between ALIX recruitment during cytokinetic abscission in flies and virus budding in human cells and investigates the fine-tuned process involved in abscission, demonstrating that the centralspindlin complex emerges to play an ancestral role in recruiting the abscission machinery to the midbody

Understanding how abscission between daughter cells during the final stage of cell division, cytokinesis, is accurately controlled is relevant for cancer, because failure in this process may give rise to binucleate cells and in the next cell division chromosomal missegregation, which might cause aneuploidy, a common feature of cancer cells.  In a recent issue of Current Biology, Lie-Jensen and co-authors elucidate a mechanism by which the abscission machinery is recruited to the midbody in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster during abscission. 

Model of ALIX recruitment to the midbody in Drosophila melanogaster and human cells (figure from Curr Biol. 2019 Oct 7)

Read the full article here

Published Oct. 22, 2019 10:34 AM - Last modified Oct. 22, 2019 1:53 PM