SAB visit to CanCell

CanCell had its first visit by the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) on March 11th- 12th. The SAB consisting of Johanna IvaskaMarja Jäättelä, Pier Paolo Di FioreStephan Beck and Michael Boutros was introduced to the Centre's activities and strategies.

Image may contain: Social group, Event, Design, Art, Team.

SAB members to CanCell (left to right) Stephan Beck, Marja Jäättelä, Johanna Ivaska, Michael Boutros, Pier Paolo Di Fiore

Photo: Nagham Theres Asp

The group leaders presented their current research and their future plans with special emphasis on collaborations within CanCell. The board was also given a tour of both locations and spent time with two groups of young scientist to discuss ways to improve the interaction and allocation of resources to increase the potential of the Centre. 

The visit was concluded with brief summary of the advice from the SAB, which will be further expanded in a report. We greatly enjoyed their stay, and value their expert advice on many aspects of the centre's activities. 

Published Mar. 17, 2019 11:04 AM - Last modified Dec. 19, 2023 11:42 AM