Anette Christensen Lie-Jensen successful PhD defense

Anette Christensen Lie-Jensen completed an outstanding digital disputation through Zoom on Friday June 12th to defend her thesis: "ALIX in cell division in vivo".

Image may contain: Medical assistant, Research, Physician, Pharmacy technician, White coat.
Photo: Terje Heiestad
Image may contain: Headgear, Fun.
A small celebration was held despite the COVID-restrictions to honour Lie-Jensens PhD defense

Anette has worked in Kaisa Haglund's project group in the Stenmark lab on cell divison in fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). Haglund was also her principal supervisor.

Her opponents were Professor Arnaud Echard, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France and Senior Research Fellow Jeremy Carlton, King’s College London, United Kingdom, and June Myklebust from University of Oslo acted as the third member of the adjudication committee. 

Earlier the same day she held her trial lecture titled "Mechanisms of asymmetric cell division and role in development and homeostasis".

Lie-Jensen is currently working as a senior lecturer at the Østfold University College, Faculty of Engineering. 


CanCell congratulate Lie-Jensen on a successful defense!

Published June 25, 2020 8:35 AM - Last modified June 25, 2020 8:52 AM