CanCell User Panel Zoom meeting

We were once again fortunate to have our user panel to give feedback on our research grants proposals, this time on Zoom. 

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On May 6th, several of CanCell's scientist were convened in front of their screen to receive feedback from representatives from three different cancer patient organisations. Per Axel Ankre (Prostate Cancer Society), Astrid Jahr (Sarcoma Society) and Kari Grønaas (Lung Cancer Society) all gave valuable input on abstracts which will be used for applying grants from various sources. In addition, Trude Wetaas (Leukemia Society) gave feedback per email. Kari also shared her experiences both from participation in grant evaluation committees, and from her background as a patient. Her eloquent perspectives were greatly appreciated and very useful to our scientists, both in grant writing and for their cancer research in general.

We would like to express our gratitude towards our user panel for the work they have put in!

Published May 8, 2020 4:06 PM - Last modified May 8, 2020 4:06 PM