Artwork from cells at the "Nanocosmos" exhibition by CanCell scientists

CanCell scientists from the Stenmark Lab participated in the exhibition "Nanocosmos" at Kunstplass Akersgata, as a part of the UiO:Life Science Programmable Cell-like Compartments convergence environment. 

art, cells

The event featured images of biological origin, such as cell micrographs, lipid droplets and fluorescently labelled intracellular components. In particular, cell art from Vigdis Sørensen, Yan Shen and Nina Marie Pedersen represented science from CanCell at the exhibition. 

The exhibition was opened by UiOs rector, Svein Stølen on February 11th and lasted until Feb 16th as part of the UiO:life Sceince conference week. The initiative was undertaken by Irep Gözen at NCMM, and other partners in the Convergence environment, and curated by the art gallery Kunstplass Contemporary Art.

Image may contain: Art exhibition, Art, Visual arts, Modern art, Event.
Nina Marie, Yan and Vigdis presenting their science-based artwork


It was also recently featured at the Medical Faculty home page:


Read more: (Norwegian)


Published Feb. 27, 2020 12:28 PM - Last modified Feb. 27, 2020 12:28 PM