Annual ChiNoCell meeting

The inaugurating Annual ChiNoCell meeting was started today at 9 in the morning Norwegian time and 4 in the afternoon in Beijing. As a part of international partnership (INTPART) from the Research Council of Norway, ChiNoCell is a collaboration between Yunnan University and Tsinghua University in Beijing and University of Oslo.



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Screenshot from the Zoominar showing the participants from China and Norway. 

The meeting started with a speech by CanCell director Harald Stenmark via Zoom. Over 100 participants joined the meeting via Zoom from both Oslo and Beijing for the first part of the Annual meeting which was held today.

In addition to working with research, ChiNoCell* also hosts courses and several workshops in addition to encouraging and knowledge exchange. Some of the projects ChiNoCell are working with is Discovery of Novel Cancer Cell programmes, Cancer Cell reprogramming and mechanistic studies of cancer cell programmes to mention some. In addition, several lectures and tutorials have already been held and are planned in the future.

We were lucky to be lectured by several excellent scientists and key speakers that held very interesting speeches for us. First out was Kay O. Schink which told us about Regulation of micropinocytosis and Chonglin Yang M which lectured us in Metabolic regulation of mitochondrial homeostasis.  Then it was time for a small tea-break before Qiuyuan Yin had an very interesting lecture about how LMD-2 Regulates Lysosome-related Organelle Maturation in C. elegans. But it did not stop there. Anne Simonsen gave us an overview of the work of her group and her lab member Laura T. Moncho explained their work in Identifying the role of SNX10 in autophagy. Lastly but not least Serhiy Pankiv explained the work in the Search for the common function of BEACH-domain proteins for us.  Dong Jiang spoke about Physiopathological Functions of Migrasome and Yuwei Huang about Formation and function of Tetraspanin enriched microdomain.

ChiNoCell have a vision to achieve long lasting research collaborations the themes autophagy, migrasomes and endocytic membrane traffic to mention some. In addition, the vision is also to serve as an arena for exchange of know-hows, cell lines and reagents to further facilitate excellent research. In 2019 a very successful Symposium was held in Beijing. The initial plan for the collaboration goes from 2019-2023 but can hopefully be extended further. We at CanCell are happy and honored to be part of this collaboration and look forward to the next symposium.

*Chinese-Norwegian Partnership for Education and Research in Cancer Cell Biology

Published Dec. 17, 2020 6:31 PM - Last modified Dec. 18, 2020 10:30 AM