RCN awards 11.6 millions in grants to young CanCell Members.

Research Council Norway (NFR, Norges forskningsråd) held a call for grant proposals earlier this year, and the recipients were recently announced.

We are honored and happy to announce that two of CanCell’s aspiring members receive research grants!  

Alf Håkon Lystad, a former member of professor Anne Simonsen’s group Autophagy, now in Harald Stenmark's lab, receives a young talent grant of 8 MNOK  for his project “DETECT and PROTECT - Surviving Insults to intracellular compartments”:

To guard the cell interior against pathogens and other insults, it is vital that our cells meet threats with targeted and swift responses. For compartments like endosomes, lysosomes and phagosomes a key response  is Conjugation of ATG8 proteins to Single Membranes (CASM). This membrane attachment of ATG8 proteins provides a transient protein docking platform to scaffold protective countermeasures. Importantly, defects in CASM compromises our defense against pathogens and makes us susceptible to auto-inflammatory and autoimmune disease. However, the mechanisms and processes through which CASM prevents these pathological conditions remain unknown and is therefore the focus of the DETECT and PROTECT project.

Image may contain: Beard, Safety glove, Dress shirt, Workwear, Sleeve.
Alf H. Lystad is a researcher in the Stenmark's group

Young talent grants  are research grants given to talented researchers below the age of 40, read more about it here at the Research Council’s webpages

Dagim Shiferaw Tadele, a member in Professor Jorrit Enserinks group Cancer Molecular Medicine (OUS/CanCell)  and a member in Professor Simon Rayners group Bioinformatics: The role of non-coding RNAs in disease  (OUS) are awarded the mobility grant from the NFR for his project “Unlocking the potential of precision medicine to promote drug sensitivity in lung cancer”. The grant is  3.6 MNOK and involves a two-year stay abroad. 

Image may contain: Person, Forehead, Nose, Cheek, Smile.
Dagim S. Tadele is currently postdoc belonging to the Enserink Group

With grants like these, we will get one step closer to better understanding of cellular mechanisms and unlocking the potential in precision medicine to treat cancer.  We would like to send our congratulations to both Lystad and Tadele and wish you great success in your projects!  You can read more about the grant proposals and the other grantees from the University of Oslo on the Medical faculty Norwegian webpages.

Published June 30, 2021 2:07 PM - Last modified June 30, 2021 6:30 PM