Interview with Bioingeniøren : Genetic information beyond the linear DNA

CanCell PI Ragnhild Eskeland and associated member Philippe Collas were recently interviewed by Bioingeniøren about chromatin organization, epigenetic marks, DNA packing and the three dimensional organization of DNA inside the nucleus. They were joined by Rein Aasland, Jonas Paulsen and Arne Klungland. Read more about what these scientists have to say about the genetic information beyond the linear DNA  - Genomet er som et flokete nøste

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"A cat detangeling chromatin". Prostate cancer cells stained by DAPI to highlight all DNA and a large genomic locus tagged with green fluorescent protein EGFP. Illustration: Ragnhild Eskeland by




Published Apr. 1, 2022 2:11 PM - Last modified Apr. 3, 2022 10:32 PM