Women in CanCell celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

11 February is marked as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Pilar Ayuda-Durán from the Enserink group and Rojyar Khezri from the Rusten group are participating in events celebrating the day. 

Image may contain: Person, Face, Smile, Cheek, Head.


Pilar will participate in an activity organized by ASEICA (the Spanish association for cancer research) called “ Conócelas ”. They have gathered more than 220 women involved in cancer research to connect them with high schools and university classes in order to give visibility to women doing cancer research.  
Rojyar will be giving a talk in " The First Global Symposium of Kurdish Women in Science ". The Symposium consists of speakers from all over world and it will be held in Kurdish as it is designed especially for Kurdish Girls and Women as audience, in order to inspire them to take up higher education and follow their own path. In addition, Rojyar will feature on a special EMBO cover to mark the day.

Read more about the events here:


The First Global Symposium on Kurdish Women in Science


At CanCell, we take this opportunity to look back at the publications from 2021 where the women researchers featured as first authors.



The CanCell Equality Forum which focuses on multilateralism and integration works actively towards gender equality as well. 


Published Feb. 9, 2022 6:28 PM - Last modified Feb. 9, 2022 7:15 PM