Harald Stenmark received the Anders Jahre's major medical prize for 2022

Anders Jahre's Awards honors outstanding research in basic and clinical medicine. The prize is awarded by the University of Oslo and is one of the most prestigious awards in Nordic biomedical research. This year, CanCell Director, Harald Stenmark receives the Anders Jahre's major medical prize.

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Professor Harald Stenmark receives the award for his pioneering studies of processes in cell membranes and how misregulation of such processes affects the development of cancer. See a short video presentation on Prof. Stenmark here  and click here to read more about the current work of the Stenmark group. 

Anders Jahre's prize for young researcher is shared between Associate Professor Lykke Sylow and Associate Professor Lars Wiuff Andersen. For details, read the news article from the Faculty of Medicine here

The prizes were awarded in the University's auditorium on Thursday 3 November at 18:00. Prior to that there were public talks by all the winners.

Published Nov. 4, 2022 10:53 AM - Last modified Nov. 7, 2022 4:10 PM