EMBO Laboratory Leadership Course

CanCell Young Scientists (CYS) organized the EMBO Laboratory Leadership Course in Oslo between 18-20 April. This is worldwide renowned course that EMBO offers to post-docs and early career researchers.

Image may contain: Person, Face, Smile, Cheek, Head.

Photo: Krizia Sagini


The course included modules on leadership, communication, scientific writing, research integrity and other professional and 'soft skills' that are critical for a successful career in science. These courses are carefully designed to meet the specific needs of researchers.

In total 18 post-docs participated in the course, and it was good mix from all the six CanCell groups. Both EMBO and CYS conducted a survey at the end of the course and the overall feedback has been very good. All the participants were satisfied with the course content, trainers and overall organization. In particular, CYS would like to share two points from the survey –

Firstly, 100% of the participants said that they would recommend the course to their colleagues and secondly 85% of participants think that course could be useful even for a non-academic career. If you are interested to know, more feel free to contact one of the CYS members.


Published June 6, 2023 11:44 AM - Last modified June 6, 2023 11:44 AM