
Showing result 101–120 of 121 for «death»

2008_2.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

age of six months. Symptoms for Tay-Sachs include blindness, deafness and atrophying muscles. There is no cure or effective therapy. Death usually...

HERO2003_4.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

on the deaths to children less than five years old, but models for health and health care variables that are presumably important for mortality are...

HERO2002_15.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

physician claims data as well as death records. Such links are currently available in some countries (the United States, Canada at the 11 Provincial level...

HERO2003_10.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

adverse events occurred in 16.6% of admissions resulting in permanent disability in 13.7% of patients and death in 4.9%, while 51% of the adverse events...

HERO2003_23.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

population is constant (births equal deaths; we normalize by setting population equal to one), with m representing both the birth and mortality rate. It also...

HERO2002_9.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

The impact of accessibility on the use of specialist health care in Norway UNIVERSITY OF OSLO HEALTH ECONOMICS RESEARCH PROGRAMME The impact of access

HERO2001_11.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

, strictly concave and continuously differentiable in their arguments. ρ denotes the exogenous rate of time- preference and T is the time of death. LU is...

HERO2007_8.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

Retrospective Survey on Tumour Death in China - 63.6 66.3 1981 The 3rd National Population Census 67.9 66.4 69.3 1990 The 4th National Population Census 68.6 66.8...

HERO2007_10.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

Microsoft Word - Rapportframside mal Engelsk.doc HERO Costs and health consequences of chlamydia management strategies among pregnant women in sub-Sah

rapport.SKR-8.2004.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

increasingly gathered on the scene, and as heroin was introduced, the city experienced a rise in number of drug related deaths and an increase in social problems...

seraf-rapport-1-2011-open-drug-scenes-and-overdose-mortality–what-to-do.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

to answer or take stance in these questions. The city of Oslo has troublesome drug problems, particularly related to number of overdose deaths and an...

seraf-rapport-1-2011-open-drug-scenes-and-overdose-mortality–what-to-do.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

to answer or take stance in these questions. The city of Oslo has troublesome drug problems, particularly related to number of overdose deaths and an...

seraf-rapport-3-2011-female-poly-drug-abuse-and-psychopathology-gender-differences.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

). Young men’s experiences of living with substance abuse and suicidal behaviour: Between death as an escape from pain and the hope for a life. International...

16-Hartz.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

factors and not need, would imply inquality in the prevention of one of the leading causes of death in Norway. Swedish and Danish cross-sectional stu- dies...

1471-2458-8-43.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

- HCV antibody prevalence among IDUs is 70–80% [47] and approximately 2/3 of these are Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) positive [48]. The death rate among...

Sustained-Release-Naltrexone-For-Opioid-Dependence.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

(Partecke 2007). In the first cohort of 55 patients from Foster 2003, 2 patients died during treatment. Both deaths were deemed unrelated to implant treat...

avhandling-hege-kornor-2007.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

-year follow-up, the number of deaths had increased to five. Nine participants were abstinent from all opioids (illicit and prescribed), and thirty-seven...

Sustained-Release Naltrexone For Opioid Dependence.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

(Partecke 2007). In the first cohort of 55 patients from Foster 2003, 2 patients died during treatment. Both deaths were deemed unrelated to implant treat...

Benzodiazepines-crime-and-violence.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

at 10 am to be confronted by angry cuckolded husband. He rushed into the kitchen , seized a knife and stabbed her to death. His defence was that he was...

Ingeborg-Hartz.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

) Population cencus and register data from Statistics Norway (1970-2002) 4) The national person registry ) p g y - country of birth, date of death and emigration...