
Showing result 1–11 of 11 for «depths»

Johan Frederik Storm - Institute of Basic Medical Sciences

by PCIST, during different depths of ketamine anaesthesia, in rats, independently of behaviour. These results are discussed in relation to different...

Publikasjoner - Institutt for medisinske basalfag

, during different depths of ketamine anaesthesia, in rats, independently of behaviour. These results are discussed in relation to different theories of...
Hits from

SNOWDEPTH - Global snow depths from spaceborne remote sensing for permafrost, high-elevation precipitation, and climate reanalyses – Universitetet i Oslo

Publications - Brain Signalling - Institute of Basic Medical Sciences

capacity for consciousness, as assessed by PCIST, during different depths of ketamine anaesthesia, in rats, independently of behaviour. These results are...

Public Defence: Anders Malkomsen - Institute of Clinical Medicine

depths" of their own minds to find the "root of the problems." Interviews with therapists revealed conflicting feelings towards some of the patient...

The Heartbeat of Research: Emotions in Science - CanCell

, I invite the CanCell community to explore the depths of human experiences in research through our personal anecdotes and reflections. Together, we can...

Øistein Hovde - Institute of Clinical Medicine

capturing larger depths by changing the illumination from point light to directional light. Images of different resolution are also tested to evaluate their...

Bjørn Erik Juel - Institute of Basic Medical Sciences

by PCIST, during different depths of ketamine anaesthesia, in rats, independently of behaviour. These results are discussed in relation to different...

Public Defence: Andreas Thorsrud - Institute of Clinical Medicine

corneal flattening when using methylcellulose than dextran. Thus, different treatment depths imply a distinct safety and efficacy profile of each CXL...

ruffell-2018-febs_letters.pdf - NCMM - Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway

unavoidably focus and specialize in their topic, digging into the depths of microscopic detail. While this is an essential approach towards discovery, the...

Ystad.doc - Institute of Clinical Medicine

Rubek and his model with full awareness and despite strict warnings set out toward the high hills, where they are cast into the depths by falling...

Ystad.pdf - Institute of Clinical Medicine

awareness and despite strict warnings set out toward the high hills, where they are cast into the depths by falling avalanches. In all of these plays death as...