
Showing result 501–520 of 860 for «death»

Stein E. Opjordsmoen Ilner - Institutt for klinisk medisin

predictors of premature death in first-episode schizophrenia spectrum disorders. World Psychiatry. ISSN 1723-8617. 16(2), s. 217–218. doi: 10.1002/wps.20431...

sensorveiledning-2.-hmed4100_h23.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

stability while adjusting to changing external conditions. If homeostasis is successful, life continues; if unsuccessful, disaster or death ensues. The...

10-selected-publications.docx - Institutt for klinisk medisin

of Neonatal Death. JAMA Pediatr. 2020 Feb 1;174(2):197-199. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2019.4556. Peterson HF, Eskild A, Sommerfelt S , Gjesdal K...

guidelines_sensorveiledning_heval5130_2023.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

not to content). o Topic 1.1: Needed to adjust incident death calculations (rather than leaving the default constant transition probability (e.g...

Bjørn Olaf Christophersen - Institutt for klinisk medisin

.; Christophersen, Bjørn; Ose, Leiv & Ueland, Per Magne (1996). Relation of homocysteine and lipid levels in children to premature cardiovascular death in male...

Sesong 2 av studentpodkasten Folkefeber er lansert - Institute of Health and Society

Death and Dying Biomedicalized i BIO-prosjektet. Podkastsatsingen har fått støtte fra Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE) ved UiO. Så langt...

Publikasjoner - Institutt for klinisk medisin

, Naman E, Kivuyo SL, Rollag H, Bruun JN, Kvale D (2012) Cytomegalovirus viremia in dried blood spots is associated with an increased risk of death in HIV...

aarsmelding-nvr-2022.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

arsmelding-nvr-2017.pdf 0 Annual Report Research Activity 2022 Division of Clinical Neuroscience University of Oslo Oslo University Hospital Sunnaas R

aarsmelding-opk-2022.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

0 Annual Report Research Activity 2022 Division of Orthopaedic Surgery University of Oslo, Diakonhjemmet Hospital and Oslo University Hospital 1 Conte

Burrell LV, Mehlum L, Qin P - NSSF - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Burrell LV, Mehlum L, Qin P Educational attainment in offspring bereaved by sudden parental death from external causes: A national cohort study from...

Lu CF, Jia CX, Xu AQ, Dai AY, Qin P. - NSSF - Institutt for klinisk medisin

controls of rural China. OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying 2013; 66(3): 215-229. Publisert 4. mai 2016 10:34 - Sist endret...

Birkbak J, Stuart EA, Lind BD, Qin P, Stenager E, Larsen KJ, Wang AG, Nielsen AC, Pedersen CM, Winsløv JH, Langhoff C, Mühlmann C, Nordentoft M, Erlangsen A. - NSSF - Institutt for klinisk medisin

, Erlangsen A. Psychosocial therapy and causes of death after deliberate self-harm: a register-based, nationwide multicentre study using propensity score...

Burrell LV, Mehlum L, Qin P - NSSF - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Burrell LV, Mehlum L, Qin P Risk factors for suicide in offspring bereaved by sudden parental death from external causes. J Affect Disord. 2017; 222...

Burrell LV, Mehlum L, Qin P - NSSF - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Burrell LV, Mehlum L, Qin P Parental death by external causes and risk of hospital-treated deliberate self-harm in bereaved offspring European Child...

Qin P, Mehlum L - NSSF - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Qin P, Mehlum L National observation of death by suicide in the first 3 months under COVID‐19 pandemic Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia 2020; 143(1...

Vladimir Nikolaev Martinov - Institutt for klinisk medisin

death to compare the efficacy of treatments. Key findings: After four weeks of reperfusion post infarction, animals pretreated with HIF-1 alpha showed...

Jan Emil Erikssen - Institutt for klinisk medisin

, the Oslo Ischaemia Study will be linked to the Norwegian Cause of Death Registry to obtain complete follow-up to death. Thus, a broad spectrum of...

arsrapport-2022---for-nett-03.pdf - NSSF - Institutt for klinisk medisin

som har høyest frekvens av selvskading og forekomst av selvmordsforsøk. Burrell, L. V., Mehlum, L., & Qin, P. (2022). Parental death by external causes...

kek-manual-spesialisthelsetjenesten-nov-2023.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

R, Førde R. “Fuzzy law encountering life, death and morality – A report on nine clinical ethics committees’ legal considerations”. I: Grunnin J, Holm...

Litteratur om etterlatte ved selvmord - NSSF - Institutt for klinisk medisin

of adolescent suicide bereavement: Findings from a systematic review of the literature. Death Stud . 2015 Dec 17. [Epub ahead of print] Dyregrov K...