
Showing result 521–540 of 860 for «death»

Petter Brandtzæg - Institutt for klinisk medisin

porcine model. Genes associated with biofunctions such as organismal death, morbidity and mortality were similarly downregulated in the patients and the...

Else Marit Løberg - Institutt for klinisk medisin

differentiation and death (e.g. excitotoxicity). However, a main drawback of this model is its dependence on depolarizing culture condition (25 mM potassium). In...

walley.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

the people who are dying • Broaden naloxone: Destigmatize naloxone and foster a culture of safety Main Points Opioid Overdose Deaths: Massachusetts 2004...

nielsen.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

, 2023 Take-home naloxone models for different populations and settings @DrSuziNielsen • Since 2014 >1000 deaths per year • Rx opioid deaths declining...

troberg.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

in deaths due to fentanyl analogues after efforts by authorities The Public Health Authority Narkotikarelaterade dödsfall — Folkhälsomyndigheten...

green-.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

. Modelling suggests that community-based and pharmacy-initiated naloxone distribution were more effective at averting opioid overdose deaths than prescriber...

eide.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

deaths THN available in all counties in Norway 5000+ staff trained 21,000+ sprays distributed Two-thirds were refills Most report survival Individual- and...

mcauley.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

– Jan 2022 Campaign materials directed people to the ‘Stop the deaths’ website that provided educational information and links to naloxone training and to...

mcdonald-.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Norwegian THN program • Decline in unintentional heroin deaths • 20,000+ THN kits distributed • Main target group: people who use heroin via low-threshold...

kral.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

will have the highest impact at reducing opioid overdose deaths in the community; • 2: Best practice is important, should be focused on soon and will...

neale.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

medical self-discharge, additional use of substances & potential risk of death PAPER 2 • Location: Australia • Date: 2017-2018 • 28 qualitative interviews...

Traumenes kroppslige spor - NORMENT

). Life Expectancy and Death by Diseases of the Circulatory System in Patients with Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia in the Nordic Countries . PLoS ONE , 8...

sakskart-til-fakultetsstyremote-260923.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

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30-23-arsrapport-2022-for-forskerutdanningen-ved-med.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

Årsrapport for Forskerutdanningen ved Det medisinske fakultet, UiO 2022 1 Innhold Forord .............................................................

Prøveforelesning: Dag Olav Dahle - Institutt for klinisk medisin

debate in the promotion of live kidney donation including the young adult donor and donation after voluntary death Tid og sted: 11. juni 2015 10:15 , Grønt...

seraf-arsrapport-2021.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

death. Forensic Science International 2021; Volum 321:110726. s.1-6 OUS UiO DIAKON Moe, Jenny Skumsnes; Bolstad, Ingeborg; Mørland, Jørg Gustav; Bramness...

Relationship between betahydroxybutyrate (BHB) and acetone concentrations - Institutt for klinisk medisin

in postmortem blood and cause of death (fulltekst) Midtlyng, Lena; Høiseth, Gudrun; Luytkis, Hege Cathrine; Kristoffersen, Lena; Nygaard, Ilah Le...

Measurements of heroin metabolites - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Measurements of heroin metabolites Can measurements of heroin metabolites in post-mortem matrices other than peripheral blood indicate if death was...

st.-olav.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

pasientbehandlingen, og det større bildet vil være The Lancet Commission on the value of death. Regnskap 2022 og budsjett 2023 Regnskap 22; - Driftsutgifter 2022, kr...

Årsrapport 2022 for forskerutdanningen ved MED - Det medisinske fakultet

Årsrapport for Forskerutdanningen ved Det medisinske fakultet, UiO 2022 1 Innhold Forord .............................................................