
Showing result 1–20 of 299 for «death»

Burrell, Lisa Victoria - NSSF - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Burrell, Lisa Victoria Parental death by external causes and psychosocial sequelae in bereaved offspring Dissertation for the degree of PhD. Faculty...

PriSUD - Bedre helse for personer med ruslidelser i fengsel - Institutt for klinisk medisin

.; Preen, David; Pirkis, Jane & Larney, Sarah [Vis alle 52 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2024). Rates and causes of death after release from incarceration...
Hits from

Death, Materiality and the Origin of Time - Kulturhistorisk museum

AgeSUD - Aldring blant personer med ruslidelser - Institutt for klinisk medisin

; Thoresen, Magne & Waal, Helge (2022). Mortality, Causes of Death, and Predictors of Death among Patients On and Off Opioid Agonist Treatment: Results from a...

Working papers from HERO - Institutt for helse og samfunn

, Iversen T, Øien H Some notes on how to catch a red herring - Ageing, time-to-death and care costs for older people in Sweden 2011:6 Karlsson M, Klohn F...

Forskernettverket Døden: Emosjoner, relasjoner og kultur (DERK) - Institutt for helse og samfunn

som sammensatte fenomener som krever en tverrfaglig utforskning. Internasjonalt brukes betegnelsen End of life studies, Death studies og Tanatologi om...

Utvikling av selvmord og villet egenskade under COVID-19 pandemien i Norge - NSSF - Institutt for klinisk medisin

observation of death by suicide in the first 3 months under COVID-19 pandemic. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia, 143 (1), 92–93 Konferansepresentajon Walby, F. A...

Mortality, causes of death, and predictors - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Mortality, causes of death, and predictors Mortality, Causes of Death, and Predictors of Death among Patients On and Off Opioid Agonist Treatment...

Artikler - NSSF - Institutt for klinisk medisin

and very short-term risk of death by suicide in 7000 acutely admitted psychiatric inpatients . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry . Published online: 12...

Aryl hydrokarbonreseptor og immunterapi - Institutt for medisinske basalfag

death receptor 1 (PD1) og dens ligand, PDL1. Når disse proteinene er aktive, vil de gjennom signalering deaktivere cytotoksiske T-celler, som ellers ville...

Kreft i lever og galleveier - Institutt for klinisk medisin

signatures reflecting microenvironmental metabolism and chemotherapy-induced immunogenic cell death in colorectal liver metastases. Oncotarget. 2017 Jul 18;8...

Mortality and causes of death among patients - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Mortality and causes of death among patients Mortality and causes of death among patients Mortality and causes of death among patients with opioid...

Kvinnehelse - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Bødker B, Buoncristiano M et al. BMJ 2022; 379 :e07062. BMJ Editorial: Accurate surveillance of maternal deaths is an international priority. Peripartum...

Opioidpillekrise? - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Opioid related deaths in Norway in 2000–2019 Edvardsen, H.M.E., Clausen, T. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2022, 232, 109281 Vedvarende bruk av opioider og...

Mortality, cause of death and risk factors in patients - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Mortality, cause of death and risk factors in patients Mortality, cause of death and risk factors in patients with alcohol use disorder alone or poly...

Siste publikasjoner - NSSF - Institutt for klinisk medisin

). Imminent and Short-Term Risk of Death by Suicide in 7,000 Acutely Admitted Psychiatric Inpatients. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. ISSN 0160-6689. 84(1). doi...

Publikasjoner - Institutt for helse og samfunn

Publikasjoner 2023 Effect of an Individually Tailored and Home-Based Intervention in the Chronic Phase of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized Clinica

Disputas - Institutt for helse og samfunn

Titlestad (Kull 2018) disputerte 16. august 2021 ved HVL med avhandlingen "The “special grief” of parents bereaved by drug-related death. Mixed methods...

POINT - Hvordan unngå en opioidepidemi i Norge: Fokus på behandling av kroniske smerter - Institutt for klinisk medisin

filled prescriptions and the association with risk of drug-induced death. A population-based nested case-control register study. Pharmacoepidemiology and...

Melle I, Johannesen JO, Haahr UH, Ten Velden Hegelstad W, Joa I, Langeveld J, Larsen TK, Opjordsmoen SI, Qin P, Røssberg JI, Rishovd Rund B, Simonsen E, Vaglum PJW, McGlashan TH, Friis S - NSSF - Institutt for klinisk medisin

E, Vaglum PJW, McGlashan TH, Friis S Causes and predictors of premature death in first-episode schizophrenia spectrum disorders. World Psychiatry 2017...

Burrell LV, Mehlum L, Qin P - NSSF - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Burrell LV, Mehlum L, Qin P Sudden parental death from external causes and risk of suicide in the bereaved offspring: A national study Journal of...