
Showing result 161–180 of 198 for «depths»

spehar-et-al_2014.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

, conducted tape-recorded, face to face in-depth interviews with all 30 participants at their workplace. None of these 30 had participated in the focus group...

spehar-et-al_2012.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

: We did a qualitative study which included in-depth interviews with 30 clinicians in middle and first-line management positions in Norwegian hospitals...

idalillehagen_mfl_internationaljournalofhealthpolicyandmanagement_nov2020.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

conclude, there is a need to complement such overarching evaluations with in-depth analyses of how nations present policy for implementation of the SDGs. The...

annual-report_academic-activities_2019_web.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin Annual Report 2019 Academic Activities Division of Surgery Akershus University Hospital Annual report 2019 Annual report 2019 3 Contents A

annual-report_academic-activities_2019_web.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin Annual Report 2019 Academic Activities Division of Surgery Akershus University Hospital Annual report 2019 Annual report 2019 3 Contents A

annual-report_academic-activities_2019_web.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin Annual Report 2019 Academic Activities Division of Surgery Akershus University Hospital Annual report 2019 Annual report 2019 3 Contents A

CIR.2007-2017_final_report.pdf - Senter for immunregulering

CIR final report 2007–2017 C entre for Im m une R eg ulation (C IR ) • Final rep ort 2007–2017 2007 2017 This centre identifies and investigates novel

information-for-applicants-and-assessment-committees.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

for the same ranking. The other applicants will not be assessed in depth, but the committee will explain what distinguishes these applicants from the...

2020-6770og6768.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

will analyze perceptions, behaviors, documents and interactions, thus producing in-depth knowledge about the complex local, social and cultural settings...

afe-aarsmelding-2014-endelig.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

level and pocket depth for predicting periodontal disease progression in healthy sites of patients with chronic periodontitis using multi-state Markov...

afe-arsmelding-2015-endelig.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

Årsmelding 2015 Allmennmedisinsk Forskningsenhet (AFE), Avdeling for allmennmedisin, UiO 1 Forsidefoto: Per Hjortdahl 2 I n n h o l d I N N H O L D 2

academicactivitiesreport_2018_web_final.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Annual Report 2018 Academic Activities Division of Surgery Akershus University Hospital Annual report 2018 Annual report 2018 3 Contents A

academicactivitiesreport_2018_web_final.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Annual Report 2018 Academic Activities Division of Surgery Akershus University Hospital Annual report 2018 Annual report 2018 3 Contents A

samlefil.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

Sakskart til fakultetsstyremøte 12. mai 2020 Fakultetsstyremøtet finner sted fra klokken 16 og foregår pr Zoom. Godkjenninger 6/20 Godkjenning av innk...

sak-10-endringer-i-studieportefoljen-ved-fakultetet.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

FRAMLEGGSNOTAT TIL FAKULTETSSTYRET Til: Det medisinske fakultets styre Fra: Dekan og visedekan for master- og postdoktorprogrammer Sakstype (O/D/V): V...

prosjektbeskrivelse-basic.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

. Qualitative study 1 – patients Design: Qualitative individual in-depth interview study Material: Individual in-depth telephone interviews with 15-30 patients...

kartlegging-institusjonsrapport.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

everything we do. Through specialisation, we offer our clients a unique depth of knowledge and expertise. Learning from different experiences gives us...

rev-programplan-thf.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

course will introduce different techniques to produce and analyse data from in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, observations and reading of texts...

tentativ-programplan-aks.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

, the study program shall provide in-depth knowledge on research methods, core scientific- and ethical theories, and relevant terminology for advanced...

rev-programplan-ich.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

systems and the global burden of disease. In addition, you will gain more in-depth knowledge about one specific health system of their choice and about the...