
Showing result 1–20 of 36 for «depth»

template-for-writing-an-expert-assessment_200323.odt - Det medisinske fakultet

research leadership and participation in research projects. The research must be of high quality and must show both breadth and depth. The production must...

template-for-writing-an-expert-assessment_211222.odt - Det medisinske fakultet

projects. The research must be of high quality and must show both breadth and depth. The production must reflect an independent research profile and show the...
Hits from

Introduction to Machine learning in R: Classification – IT-avdelingen

template-for-writing-an-expert-assessment.odt - Det medisinske fakultet

projects. The research must be of high quality and must show both breadth and depth. The production must reflect an independent research profile and show the...

prosjektbeskrivelse_Generics across the ocean.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

utilizing qualitative methods, including in-depth interviews, informal conversations, and text analyses. An important focus in India will be the role of the...

ich-program-description_final.docx - Institutt for helse og samfunn

exercises, the course will introduce different techniques to produce and analyse data from in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, observations and...

information-for-applicants-and-assessment-committees-revised-aug-2016.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

more than one candidate for the same ranking. The other applicants will not be assessed in depth, but the committee will explain what distinguishes these...

2017-9167.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

services. Despite occasional mentions, these options have not been examined in depth. More generally, the links between the evaluation process and...

3613-ima.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

Learning outcomes: By choosing a specialization in Health Management, Health Economics or Economic Evaluation, you will be able to go into depth in a...

Senter for medisinsk etikk - Institutt for helse og samfunn

biological and narrative life. We are pleased to present a formidable panel. We envision a format of in-depth conversation, starting with each panelist having...

Grunnlaget for vår bevissthet - Det medisinske fakultet

consciousness Measuring depth of anesthesia 2. Les mer om dendrittene her (på engelsk). 3. Hva skjer når vi drømmer? Artikkel i Vil du vite mer om...

Er det mulig å lage en bevisst robot? - Det medisinske fakultet

? If so, should we? Progress in empirical consciousness research - Johan Storm Disorders of consciousness - Olivia Gossieres Measuring depth of

annual-report-she-2023.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

, and an in-depth understanding of the presented material. 12 Students took a leading role in initiating, organizing, and executing the conference...

Nasjonale dekanmøter i medisin - Det medisinske fakultet

medisinske fakultet ved Universitetet i Oslo. Forskningsdekanene og studiedekanene har egne møter. ${resource:subfolder-menu depth=[2] authenticated=[true]}...

aarsmelding-nvr-2022.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

patients respond and others do not; by in-depth studies of individual tumors and treatment responses. Individualized systems medicine strategy to target GSCs...

arsrapport-2022.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

ÅRSRAPPORT FRA FORSKNINGSGRUPPENE 2022 Klinikk for kirurgi, inflammasjonsmedisin og transplantasjon (KIT) Innholdsfortegnelse • Forord • Forskningsakt

arsrapport-2021.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

ÅRSRAPPORTER FRA FORSKNINGSGRUPPENE 2021 Klinikk for kirurgi, inflammasjonsmedisin og transplantasjon (KIT) Fo to : Ø ys te in H or gm o, U iO Innhold

sakskart-til-fakultetsstyremote-270922-samlefil.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

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vedlegg-35-arsrapport-2021-for-forskerutdanningen-ved-med.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

in- depth study 5021 02.02.21 Benestad Beate ph.d. Cardiometabolic risk, health related quality of life, and effect of treatment in children and...

norment-annual-report-2021.pdf - NORMENT

treatment response, is pivotal to long-term outcomes. We are thus starting out a new longitudinal study with more in- depth characterization of developments...

avdeling-for-allmennmedisin_arsmelding2021.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

Årsmelding 2021 Avdeling for allmennmedisin, Institutt for helse og samfunn, UiO Avdeling for allmennmedisin, UiO *** Avdelingsleder professor Mette B