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Key Years in the History of the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine has seen major reforms, reorganizations, and periods of strong growth since its early beginnings in 1814.


The Faculty of Medicine is established as the third faculty of the University of Oslo.


Disciplines are divided into various fields, and the Institute of Physiology is established in 1875. Specialization increases in the 1890s, with Neurology and Ear, Nose and Throat becoming separate subjects.


Marie Spångberg, later married Holth, graduates from the Faculty of Medicine as the first female Medical Doctor in Norway.


New buildings for Mathematics and Natural Sciences are completed, and the faculties move from the city centre to the new buildings at Blindern.


Regulation of admission to the Faculty is introduced. Access limitation means that medical studies soon stand out from most other studies at the University, which are still open.


A comprehensive programme description with clear goals for medical studies is presented.


Major expansion of Blindern due to the strong growth of the number of students. Several new large buildings are erected at Blindern during the decade. After many years of persistent effort, Professor Bjarne Waaler (physiology) manages to secure public funding for the first construction phase for a preclinical medicine building.


Nutrition is established as a separate discipline. In 1972 the students are granted the opportunity to obtain the degree cand.real., later the degree cand.scient. As a result of the Quality Reform (Kvalitetsreformen), bachelor and master degrees are introduced in 2004.


The preclinical medicine building is completed.


The first class is enrolled at the Centre for Health administration, at the candidate study in Health administration. Following the Quality Reform (Kvalitetsreformen) in 2003, this programme is turned into the experience-based Master programme in Health administration.


The Faculty is reorganized into six groups of institutes. The next preclinical construction phase is completed, and Physiology and Anatomy are the last preclinical institutes to move in from the city centre buildings.


Nutrition is allocated space in the preclinical medicine building. The new Rikshospitalet is located at Gaustad to promote better contact between the country's leading clinical environments and academic environments in basic medicine. Graduate studies in Nursing Science and Health Science is being introduced.


The new programme description "Oslo 96" is introduced. The implementation of Oslo 96 means that the distinction between preclinical and clinical subjects ceases, self-study replaces much of the organized teaching, and problem-based learning is introduced as a key teaching method. MPhil in International Community Health is introduced.


Rikshospitalet takes occupancy of its present buildings in an area considered one of the country's most important areas of growth for medicine, biotechnology and ICT.


Start up of the 3-year Bachelor programme in Health Management and Health Economics.


The Faculty undergoes a reorganization process resulting in the division of the Faculty into 10 units on – 5 institutes and 5 Faculty divisions associated with each of our 5 university hospitals. An important part of the reorganization is the move from bifurcated to uniform management and that the institutes/divisions are now led by an employed institute head / division head. The former institute group boards are replaced by new institute boards.


Start up of the international Master programme in Health Economics, Policy and Management, and for the Master programme in Psychosocial work.


As a direct consequence of the merger of Rikshospitalet, Radiumhospitalet and Aker Sykehus into Oslo University Hospital, the Faculty's ten basic units are reduced to three. The three institutes are called the Institute of Clinical Medicine, the Institute of Health and Society, and the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences.

Published May 16, 2011 4:31 PM - Last modified Feb. 5, 2018 9:45 AM