Forskpro and NSD integrated 30 August

Forskpro is now partially integrated with the NSD register. Researchers at MED must still register their projects in Forskpro before reporting to NSD. Researchers must manually import from NSD to Forskpro after receiving the assessment from NSD.

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Forskpro is UiO's tool for keeping track of research projects. Forskpro was formerly known as Helseforsk.

New integration with NSD

A new integration between Forskpro and NSD has now been launched. With the help of the integration, projects that are assessed by NSD will be automatically transferred to Forskpro.

However, at the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry automatic transfer is not possible. The reason is that health research projects must be registered in Forskpro before they are reported to NSD. These projects can then retrieve project information from NSD by manual import, according to instructions below.

As a researcher at MED, what do you need to do?

  • Health research projects must be registered in Forskpro before applying to NSD and REK.
  • After you have received the project assessment from NSD, you can access your existing Forskpro project and manually import data and attachments from NSD using the NSD registration number.
  • If you have checked the REK approval check box and uploaded the REK decision to NSD, this will also be included in the manual import.


Katrine Ore

Published Dec. 4, 2020 8:23 AM - Last modified Dec. 4, 2020 12:58 PM