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NOK 100 million to research at MED through the joint funding initiative Fellesløftet IV

The Research Council of Norway is allocating funding to Philippe Collas, Irep Gözen, Torbjørn Omland and Ole Andreassen’s major interdisciplinary research projects in life sciences.

Philippe Collas, Irep Gözen, Torbjørn Omland og Ole Andreassen. Foto UiO.

From left: Philippe Collas, Irep Gözen, Torbjørn Omland and Ole Andreassen were each awarded around NOK 25 million from Fellesløftet IV. Photo: UiO

“On behalf of the Faculty of Medicine, I would like to congratulate Philippe Collas, Irep Gözen, Torbjørn Omland and Ole Andreassen on their allocations from Fellesløftet IV,” says Dean of Research Jens Petter Berg. Fellesløftet IV is a joint funding initiative between research institutions and the Research Council of Norway to strengthen interdisciplinary research through the award of up to NOK 1 billion over a period of six years. “These are major interdisciplinary projects that will help break new ground in research by encouraging researchers from various fields to collaborate to develop new knowledge,” the Dean of Research says and continues “We would like to wish the project managers and their employees the best of luck with the projects.”

Allocations to MED researchers

Professor Philippe Collas (IMB) awarded NOK 25 million
Project: SmartSense: Decoding metabolic and epigenetic disorders caused by adolescence sleep deprivation

Group leader Irep Gözen (NCMM) awarded NOK 24,927,000
Project: Biophysics of double bilayer membrane compartements.

Professor Torbjørn Omland (Klinmed) awarded NOK 25 million
Project: Long-term effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection: An interdisciplinary observational and interventional study program.

Professor Ole Andreassen (Klinmed - SFF Norment) awarded NOK 25 million
Project: Polygenic and psychosocial interplay in brain development across mental disorders.

The Research Council of Norway funds half of the total amount. The remainder is split between the University of Oslo centrally (almost 25%) and MED (with a distribution of 2/3 between departments/NCMM and 1/3 for the faculty centrally). The original application deadline for Fellesløftet IV was scheduled for 2020, but this was postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The application deadline was February 2021. The results were originally scheduled to be announced in October 2021, but were delayed due to a lack of allocation in the national budget for 2022. This issue was finally solved in co-operation with the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. All projects will commence no later than 1 August 2022.

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By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Jan. 20, 2022 6:12 AM - Last modified Feb. 5, 2024 8:43 AM