The Medicine Blog turns five years old

This September, it will be five years since the very first post was published on the Medicine Blog. Since then, more than a hundred of the faculty’s researchers have informed a wide audience about their research. Maybe you will be next?

Smiling woman behind a laptop

All faculty researchers can write on the Medicine Blog. Photo: Colourbox.

The Medicine Blog is an academic blog where all the faculty’s researchers can inform the Norwegian population about their subject and their research. In an age full of fake news and alternative facts, we will serve quality information straight from the researchers to the population. 

The blog’s target group is ‘the ordinary person on the street’.

We want to show why research is important, and help public opinion get a more positive attitude towards university research. What is really going on in the researchers’ ‘ivory tower’? What are all the tax revenues being spent on?

All faculty topics are welcome on the Medicine Blog

On 21 September 2018, we published the first post. Research on the offensive - tomorrow’s solutions? (Forskning på hugget – morgendagens løsninger?) was written by Professor of Innovation, Jan Terje Andersen.

Screenshot of the first blog postSince then, blog posts have been sent in from all the faculty’s nooks and crannies, and we reached 120 published posts just before the summer.

We have had posts on everything from basic research to innovation, and from small molecules to society at large. The aim of the Medicine Blog is to show the breadth of the faculty, and all our disciplines are welcome.

All of the faculty’s researchers can write on the Medicine Blog

Are you keen on writing? Do you have a topic you would like to raise? Or a suggestion for faculty employees to write about on the blog? Contact the blog editor at, and together we can make a plan.

The Medicine Blog publishes posts from students, doctoral research fellows, postdoctoral fellows, assistant professors and professors. If you would like to write for us, you must be fully or partly employed at MED, or affiliated with MED as a doctoral research fellow or student. 

The editorial team consists of Elin Lunde, Hanne Bjerknes and Kristine Mangerud, all from the faculty’s communication group. Send us your text and we will be more than happy to help you prepare it so that it is easy to read and understand for your target audience. 

Blog posts are sometimes noticed by the mainstream media, so you might get one of the big news providers ringing you up!

Would you like to read our blog posts?

•    Here you can find the Medicine Blog
•    Subscribe to posts from the Medicine Blog (approximately 2 posts per month)

By Elin Lunde
Published Oct. 18, 2023 12:04 PM - Last modified Oct. 18, 2023 12:04 PM