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Mandate for Heads of Studies for Medical Studies

Each subject must have a Head of Studies. The faculty board decides what are considered subjects in the professional study programme in medicine.

The Head of Studies is appointed by the dean of studies, following nomination by teachers of the subject or recommendations from previous Heads of Studies. In subjects where teaching takes place at several locations, the Head of Studies appoints a contact person at the teaching sites that do not have a Head of Studies.

  • The Head of Studies appoints and leads the curriculum committee.  The curriculum committee may consist of all teachers in small subjects or be made up of a smaller, representative group of teachers. The curriculum committee is an advisory body. Its special task is associated with changing and updating the curriculum; i.e. the description of the content, goals and placement of the subject in the different parts of the studies.
  • The Heads of Studies of subjects in question must be consulted when changing the semesters' academic content.
  • The Head of Studies is responsible for coordinating instructors in the subject, and will summon teachers to meetings every semester to divide the teaching for the next semester. A tentative division can be done early, based on the previous semester's schedule, but the final plan will be made when the proposal for the next semester's schedule is sent out for review.
  • If the Head of Studies has difficulty covering the teaching volume ordered by the semester committees, he/she must discuss the matter with the Head of Department.
  • The Head of Studies is responsible for updating the recommended reading list. The Head of Studies will normally receive a request from the library every semester for an update.
  • The Head of Studies must ensure that input is provided to exam question papers in the subject if the exam/semester committee request this.
  • The Head of Studies approves paper topics and supervises students' project assignments. The Head of Studies also appoints an examiner from among the teachers on the subject to assess the paper.
  • The Head of Studies must stay updated on the results of evaluations during semesters in which the subjects is taught, and ensure that measures are taken in collaboration with the semester committee when faults in the teaching in the subjects are detected.
  • The Head of Studies is responsible for notifying the dean of studies if measures to improve the teaching in the subject require a change to other subjects or collaboration between several semester committees.
  • The Head of Studies responds to questions from the public regarding the content of the teaching on the subject.

Approved by the dean of studies on 3 November 2010.

Published May 2, 2011 7:51 PM - Last modified Jan. 22, 2024 1:39 PM