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Research at the Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty has a broad profile, focusing on clinical research, basic medical research, health research and public health.

We focus on research of a high international quality

Our quality criteria for research are

  • Professional strength
  • Originality
  • Broad application
  • Sound ethical foundations
  • Relevance to patients and society

Broad reach

Our research is extensive. The reach of our research is shown by the Faculty’s three institutes, which cover everything from clinical research and basic medical research to health research and public health.

Our partnership with the university hospitals in Oslo and Akershus is one of the foundations of our operations. These partnerships ensure breadth in research and optimal use of resources.

You can learn more about our research via the overviews of research groups, research projects and research centres.

From hospital bed to laboratory bench

Translational research has become an increasingly important area at the Faculty. It will build bridges between basic research and clinical research. Research aims to translate knowledge from the basic subjects to practical application in the treatment of patients.

Across disciplinary boundaries

Medical research is an interdisciplinary activity. Our researchers collaborate with experts in life sciences, statistics, anthropology, psychology, physics, information technology and more. This leads to the creation of university research communities at the Faculty, at other faculties at the University of Oslo, as well as at other universities and research institutes in Norway.

Organised research training for better health

The Faculty has a social mission of delivering highly qualified researchers that contribute to improving people’s health. Our research lays the foundations for the education we offer to our PhD candidates in order to achieve this objective.

Ethical research

Research often requires the management of ethical challenges. We strive to ensure good research practices and compliance with legislation to ensure that such management takes place in accordance with high ethical standards. You can read more about research ethics at the Faculty here.

Scientific equipment

Good research requires extensive and expensive research infrastructure. Collaboration across research groups is also crucial when it comes to utilising these facilities in the best possible manner. Read more about our core facilities and other research infrastructure.

Funding sources

Our research is primarily funded through basic allocations from the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services, project funding from the Research Council of Norway and participation in EU framework programmes for research and development. Researchers also apply for funding from institutions such as the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority and the Norwegian Cancer Society.

Research at the Institutes

Current research news


Published Jan. 19, 2022 12:23 PM - Last modified Sep. 5, 2023 1:34 PM