Pathogen testing (health certificate)

Introduction and considerations

An undesired health status of a research animal colony may interfere with scientific outcomes from ongoing or planned animal studies. It may also pose problems for import/export of animals between animal facilities. NTS may assist with testing for possible pathogens in a colony.

Description of the service

  • Animals will be tested for the presence of any pathogens listed by FELASA.


  • The health status of the animals will be determined.
  • Mice without any pathogens will have a health certificate confirming SOPF status.

Requirements and time frame

  • Available for all strains of mice.
  • An animal colony will be tested against the presence of pathogens according to FELASA standards. Contact NTS for a complete list of screened pathogens.
  • The project is typically completed 1-2 weeks.

Technical service performed by NTS

  • NTS is responsible for the animal procedure permit (FOTS application).
  • Planning and coordination of the project.
  • Sample collection and coordination of pathogen screening.

Service Fees

Estimated costs for the above service can be found on our Service Fees page.

Published Nov. 17, 2017 11:09 AM - Last modified Mar. 27, 2023 10:45 AM