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Previous events - Page 41

Time and place: , City hall, Rådhusplassen 1

For all participants of the conference.

Time and place: , The University Aula

The main event of Oslo Life Science 2018 where we showcased our best interdisciplinary research and let international speakers give us new insight in how to increase value creation from basic research. And we got to hear what the government expects from the life science community in the Oslo region. See pictures and watch videos from the event.

Time and place: , Professorboligen, Karl Johans gate 47

As the third country in Europe, Norway has established the innovation programme SPARK based on Stanford SPARK. At this kick-off UiO showcased the first Norwegian SPARK teams – SPARKees. See pictures and watch videos from the event.

Time and place: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, Blindern

Welcome to the annual Darwin Day celebration at the university of Oslo. This open event is for everybody interested in science and history. Topic this year: The ecology and evolution of infectious diseases.

Time and place: , Aud 1, Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3A

Open guest lecture presented by professor Murray Krahn, Toronto. This short talk will outline how data from various sources, especially health administrative data, can help us think us think about the cost of cancer. We will serve light refreshments.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Blindern

Nasjonal konferanse for helsepersonell og andre som er interessert i tematikken forhåndssamtaler / Advance Care Planning. Ingen deltakeravgift.

Time and place: , Frederik Holsts hus, UiO

Er du forsker innenfor forberedende samtaler, beslutningsprosesser for alvorlig syke pasienter, kommunikasjon i livets sluttfase eller lignende? Delta på vår workshop for å bli kjent med andre forskere, utveksle erfaringer, identifisere mulige samarbeidspartnere og kanskje danne et nasjonalt nettverk.

Time and place: , Auditorium Forum, Oslo Science Park

NCMM will host a mini-symposium in Systems Medicine and Precision Medicine.

Time and place: , Kristen Nygaard hus: Lille auditorium

This seminar is a joint event between the Sven Furberg seminars in Bioinformatics and Statistical genomics and the Hans Prydz Guest Lectures.

Time and place: , Kristen Nygaard hus: Lille auditorium

This seminar is a joint event between the Sven Furberg seminars in Bioinformatics and Statistical genomics and the Hans Prydz Guest Lectures.

The two lectures will be presented by Dr. Tuuli Lappalainen, Junior Investigator and Core Member at the New York Genome Center, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Systems Biology at Columbia University, New York, USA, and Dr. Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Professor of Computational Biomedicine at the RWTH-Aachen University Hospital, Aachen, German, and visiting group leader at the EMBL-EBI.

Time and place: , Gyldendal Akademisk, Sehesteds gate 4, Oslo

"Etikk i psykiske helsetjenester" gir leseren begreper, teorier, kunnskap og verktøy som kan være til nytte for å arbeide med etiske utfordringer på en systematisk måte. Reidar Pedersen og Per Nortvedt (red) presenterer boka på åpent seminar.

Time and place: , Centre for Arctic and Global Health, UiT

Centre for Arctic and Global Health, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, in collaboration with People’s Health Movement Scandinavia and Norwegian Forum for Global Health Research, has the pleasure of inviting you to the symposium “Exploring Global Health in the Arctic” in Tromsø 22 – 23 January 2018.

Time and place: , Frederik Holsts hus, Ullevål sykehus

Foredrag ved Henrik Vogt, allmennlege og dr. med.

Time and place: , Forskningsparken, Oslo Science Park

Heiner Dreismann (former CEO of Roche Molecular Systems) on how to successfully build an international life science industry.

Time and place: , Runde Auditorium, R-105, Domus Medica

Ana Domingos, Principal Investigator of the Obesity Laboratory at the Gulbenkian Science Institute, Portugal, will give a lecture titled, "Sympathetic Neuroimmunity for Obesity".

Time and place: , Room VIA, Forskningsparken

Lars Jansen, Principal Investigator of the Laboratory for Epigenetic Mechanisms, at the Gulbenkian Science Institute, Portugal, will give a lecture titled, "Chromatin-based epigenetic inheritance".

Time and place: , Auditoriet, 1.etg. Kreftsenteret, Ullevål Hospital

The first GPIU symposium in Norway. Open to all interested health personnel and the general public.

Time and place: , Kristen Nygaard hus: Lille auditorium

Speaker: Judith Zaugg, Group Leader, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany.

Time and place: , Kristen Nygaard hus: Lille auditorium

Dr. Judith Zaugg, Group Leader at EMBL in Heidelberg, Germany, will present the lecture entitled "Regulatory genomics: from basic biology to disease mechanisms."

Time and place: , Professorboligen

The Centre for Global Health is inviting leading researchers, institutions and policy makers to hear about their experiences and latest findings in the fields of mental health and conflict at an open seminar within the yearly Global Mental Health Day. The Save the Children photo exhibit "Children fleeing ISIS" will be displayed for the first time in Norway.

Time and place: , Room VIA, Forskningsparken

Kimberley Dodge-Kafka, Associate Professor at the Department of Cell Biology at the University of Connecticut, will give a lecture titled, "mAKAP- a master regulator of cardiac hypertrophy"

Time and place: , Domus Medica, Nye Auditorium 13

Speaker: Alex Lewin, Reader in Statistics, Institute of Environment, Health and Societies, Brunel University London, UK.

Time and place: , Auditorium 13, Domus Medica

Dr. Alex Lewin, Reader in Statistics, based at the Institute of Environment, Health and Societies of the Brunel University London, will present the lecture entitled "Bayesian inference on high-dimensional Seemingly Unrelated Regressions, applied to metabolomics data."

Howard Young from the Department of Biochemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada will give a lecture titled, 'Correlating Structure and Function of Human Genetic Variants in Calcium Homeostasis and Cardiac Contractility'