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Previous events - Page 49

Time and place: , Domus Medica, room 2180

Speaker: Bjørn Heine Strand, Senior Researcher, Department of Health Statistics, Division of Epidemiology, Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Time and place: , Domus Medica, room 2183

Speaker: Gianpaolo Scalia Tomba, Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy.

Time and place: , Domus Medica, room 2180

Speaker: Tron Anders Moger, Associate Professor, Department of Health Management and Health Economics and Department of Biostatistics, University of Oslo

Time and place: , (NB!) Mathematics building at Blindern, room B81

Speakers: Matthew Sperrin and Thomas Jaki, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Lancaster University.

Time and place: , room 2180, Domus Medica

Speaker: Jukka Corander, Professor, Department of Mathematics and statistics, University of Helsinki

Ovarian Cancer: Controversies in Management

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, Helga Enghs hus

We are pleased to invite you all to the 4th annual one-day seminar organized by the Norwegian Sequencing Centre (NSC).

Time and place: , room 2180, Domus Medica

Speaker: Michael Væth, Professor, Section for Biostatistics, Department of Public Health, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

Time and place: , room 2180, Domus Medica

Speaker: Ingunn Fride Tvete, Scientist, Norwegian Computing Centre, Oslo.

Time and place: , Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital

Dr. Marcus Meinzer from Charite Hospital, Berlin/Germany, will give an open guest lecture entitled "Impact of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on language".

Time and place: , room 2180, Domus Medica

Speaker: Vern Farewell, Professor, Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge.

Time and place: , Seminar room A3.3067, Rikshospitalet

Rodolphe Fischmeister: “Control of cAMP signaling and excitation-contraction coupling by phosphodiesterase type 4 in normal and diseased heart”


Adrian J. Hobbs: “Therapeutic potential of modulating natriuretic peptides in pulmonary hypertension and fibrosis”

Time and place: , Green auditorium, Rikshospitalet

Jolanda van der Velden: “Sarcomeric dysfunction in cardiac disease” and Metin Avkiran: "Protein kinase D targets in the heart: myofilaments and beyond”.

Time and place: , Domus Medica, GA01 2031 Lille auditorium

Speaker: Vanessa Didelez, Senior Lecturer in Statistics, Department of Mathematics, University of Bristol

Time and place: , Domus Medica, room 2183

Speaker: Jo Røislien, Researcher, Department of Biostatistics, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo and presenter of the TV-show 'Siffer'.

Time and place: , Domua Medica, room 2180

Speaker: Mei-Ling Ting Lee, Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Maryland at College Park

Time and place: , Domus Medica, room 2180

Speaker: Bruno Ledergerber, Senior Researcher at the Division of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital Zürich  

Time and place: , Domua Medica, room 2180

Speaker: Stein Atle Lie, Research leader at Uni Health, Bergen.

Time and place: , The auditorium at the research building, Radium Hospital

Two guest lectures by professor William G. Thilly, Professor of Genetics, Toxicology and Biological Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Eilert Sundts hus, Blindern

Speaker: Judea Pearl, Professor of Computer Science and Statistics, Computer Science Department, University of California, Los Angeles.

Time and place: , Domus Medica, room 2180

Speaker: Nina Gunnes, Postdoc, Department of Genes and Environment, Division of Epidemiology, Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Time and place: , Biotechnology Centre of Oslo, Forum Auditorium

The title of Dr. Gaughan's talk is:  "Examining the role of histone demethylase enzymes in estrogen receptor regulation" 

Time and place: , Domus Medica, room 2180

Speaker: Torbjørn Wisløff, Senior Advisor, Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services.

Time and place: , Domus Medica, room 2180

Speaker: Marianne Gillam, PhD student, School of Population Health and Clinical Practice, University of Adelaide, Adelaide.

Time and place: , Domus Medica, room 2183

Speaker: Gaute T. Einevoll, Professor of Physics, Computational Neuroscience Group, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås.