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Previous events - Page 5

Time and place: , The Science Library

Welcome to our dScience lunch seminar in the Science Library with Emily Burger.

Time and place: , zoom

Few studies have addressed the Covid-19 infodemic in academic discourse.

Time and place: , Oslo Science Park, Forum auditorium

We welcome companies and students from the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Educational Sciences to the matchmaking event. After the event, the students can apply for summer jobs in the companies.

Time and place: , Lyng, Forskningsparken

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Time and place: , Seminar Room 218, FHH (Frederik Holsts hus) and Zoom

Speaker: Anne Kveim Lie, institute of Health and Society, UiO

The Norwegian working environment is full of social norms and unwritten rules. The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with interesting and fun, but also important and useful insights into such norms and rules. The workshop is highly recommended for both international and Norwegian staff at UiO.

Time and place: , Domus Medica, Auditorium 13

Biostatistical seminar with Veronica Vinciotti, Associate Professor,  Department of Mathematics, University of Trento, Italy.

Time and place: , Sognsvann metro station

Legend has it that Norwegians are born with skis on their feet. Do you want to learn how to ski?

Time and place: , ICR Auditorium

CanCell presents a seminar with Zoi Diamantopoulou from Beatson Institute on Friday January 26th. The title of her talk is: (TBC)

Time and place: , Zoom

Join us for this Open Science Lunch to hear from researchers and funders on the Registered Reports publishing format

Time and place: , zoom

Welcome to a SHEtalk about law and sustainability.

Time and place: , Forum auditorium

How can new technologies help us build social relations and improve mental health? Do young people prefer to talk to chatbots instead of healthcare personnel? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the new technologies? Meet researchers from SINTEF and UiO who are experts in chatbots and language models; and a startup from Oslo Science Park.

Time and place: , Seminar Room 218, FHH (Frederik Holsts hus) and Zoom

Speaker: Camilla Aukrust, Institute of Health and Society, UiO


Time and place: , Professorboligen, Oslo Karl Johans gate 47

Tirsdag 23. januar arrangerer SERAF frokostseminar om nalokson i Oslo sentrum.

Time and place: , Møterom DM L-200, Domus Medica, Sognsvannsveien 9

The University of Oslo and Oslo Science City are delighted to invite you to a meeting with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) to discuss funding opportunities.

Time and place: , Zoom

We welcome students from the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Educational Sciences to a digital information meeting about the internship programme and the possibility of applying for summer jobs in companies.

Time and place: , ICR Auditorium

CanCell presents a seminar with Mariano Barbacid from the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO) on Wednesday January 17th. The title of his talk is: "Targeting KRAS mutant cancers. Light at the end of the tunnel"

Time and place: , Zoom

Appropriate care is described as socially sustainable care, high-quality care, patient-oriented care, dignified care and meaningful care. How can healthcare actors engage with the ambiguity of this concept in a policy making process?

Time and place: , Stort Møterom, 2. etg. Georg Sverdrups Hus, Blindern

Arrangert av Kreftoverlevelse på nye måter (CANCUL) og forskergruppen Samfunn, helse og makt (SHEP

Time and place: , GSH: DSC-Oasen

Hands-on workshop on version control using git and GitHub

Time and place: , Faculty of Humanities, Niels Treschows hus,12th floor (HF-12)

The Faculty of Social Sciences aims to support early career researchers in their next step through its annual career day.

Time and place: , Zoom

As women’s rights are being challenged in many parts of the world, Norway and the Nordic countries seem to have achieved the goal of gender equality. However, is this image a true reflection of Nordic societies or is it also a clever branding exercise? How secure are women’s rights in Norway? Is Norway using its image of “gender superpower” to promote gender equality globally?

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus

Welcome to this Oslo Science City Arena event hosted by the University of Oslo. Together we build the future of energy. 

Time and place: , Seminar Room 218, FHH (Frederik Holsts hus) and Zoom

Guest Speakers: Dr Edwin Ameso, Leipzig University and Dr Lena Kroeker, University of Bayreuth