SFI V - Centres for Research-based Innovation

The Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI V) call has been published. The Research Council's deadline is 18 September 2024.

The Centres for Research-based Innovation are to develop expertise in fields of importance for innovation and value creation. Through long-term research conducted in close collaboration between research-performing companies and prominent research groups, the SFI centres are to enhance technology transfer, internationalisation and researcher training. The SFI centres may receive support for a total of eight years - an initial five-year period with the possibility of a three-year extension.

The call

The SFI V call is fairly similar to the SFI IV call and will be in 2 stages. Up to 30 applicants from stage 1 will be selected to write a full proposal in stage 2. Applications should reply to clear and identified needs from business and industry. User partners should describe their motivation for participating and their plans for involvement, including their contribution, either in kind or in cash. This is an important part of RCN's evaluation.

The call information from the The Research Council of Norway (RCN) is found here. 

Information meetings

  • Information meeting in October 2023 - See recording  on the RCN website.
  • Question and Answer session 22 April, at 10:00 – 11:00 online. Read more and register on RCN's website.

Important for Klinmed applicants

The Collaboration Agreements between the Institute of Clinical Medicine (Klinmed) and the University Hospitals OUS and AHUS state that Centres of Research-based Innovation with a Centre Leader holding double affiliation to Klinmed and hospital, should as a main rule be hosted by the Hospital. Prospective Centre leaders from Klinmed must discuss the issue of Host institution with the leaders at the institute and hospitals.

Process for UiO applicants

28 Nov 2023

UiO inspiration seminar

15 Dec 2023

UiO's internal deadline for initiatives and seed funding (Applicants must register at their local institute with own internal deadlines)

April 2024

The Research Council of Norway's announcement of the call

Mid-May 2024

In house-expert panels and external consultant support for UiO applicants

June- Aug 2024 External consultant reviews for UiO-hosted applicants
4 Sept 2024  Internal deadline for UiO application drafts for approval of Rector

18 Sept 2024  

Deadline stage 1 proposals - Research Council of Norway  

December 2024 Results stage 1 - Research Council of Norway 

May/June 2025

Deadline stage 2 -  Research Council of Norway

Oct/Nov 2025 Final results - Research Council of Norway 

UiO website for the SFI V call

See UiO's internal information for SFI applicants here.


External Funding Office

Published Nov. 3, 2023 3:14 PM - Last modified Apr. 12, 2024 2:29 PM