ERC Consolidator Grant 2025

The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the deadline for the 2025 Consolidator Grant call. Deadline: 14 January 2025.

ERC Consolidator Grants aim to support researchers at the stage at which they are consolidating their own independent research team and/or strengthen independent and excellent new individual research teams that have been recently created.

ERC encourages proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries, present pioneering ideas that address new and emerging fields or applications, as well as introduce unconventional and innovative approaches. 

Applications can be made in any field of research - the grant is 'bottom-up' and without predetermined priorities. CoG does not require international cooperation and the only evaluation criterion is scientific excellence.


Eligible Principal Investigators (PI) have completed their PhD 7-12 prior to January 1 2025. Extensions to this eligibility window include maternity and paternity leave, clinical specialization, and long-term illnesses.

It is expected that the PI has shown research independence, e.g. by being the main author of several important publications and by having a promising track record of early achievements.


Funding per grant: up to 2 000 000 EUR
Duration: 5 years

An additional 1 000 000 EUR can be requested for eligible start-up costs such as the purchase of major equipment, access to large facilities, and/or other major experimental expenses.

The grant covers 100 % of eligible costs.

ERC proposal reading days

RCN invites prospective applicants to ERC proposal reading days held at the OsloMet on 17 September.

Additional information

Find information for applicants on the ERC Consolidator grant website.

See the ERC Work Programme 2025 for details.

We are here to help - Get in touch

If you are planning to apply with UiO Faculty of Medicine as Host institution you are encouraged to contact the External Funding Office.

We will support you with various aspects of the proposal development. 


External Funding Office

Published Aug. 23, 2024 12:49 PM - Last modified Aug. 23, 2024 12:49 PM