EU Health Programme - Thematic calls within medicine and public health

EU4Health, the 4th European health programme, has published the 2024 work programme. The next application deadline for action grants is 22 January 2025.

There are three main types of calls in EU4Health; Joint Actions, Action Grants, and Tenders. In general, only Action Grants are considered relevant and open to researchers at the Faculty of Medicine. In 2024, 18 action grant calls are announced in the 2024 work programme.

Focus areas

The EU4Health work programme for 2024 has the following focus areas:

  • Crisis preparedness (budget: € 485 517 000);
  • Health promotion & disease prevention (budget: € 70 900 000);
  • Health systems & healthcare workforce (budget: € 41 404 000);
  • Digital (budget: € 25 750 000).
  • Cancer (€ 117 600 000)

The topics and open calls for proposals (grants) are listed on the HADEA website. The Norwegian Directorate of Public Health also has a web page that lists the announced calls with a reference to their page in the EU4Health 2024 Work Programme.


Grants shall involve co-financing. EU funds up to 60% of the total eligible costs of the action, unless specified otherwise in the specific calls for proposals. In cases of exceptional utility, the Union contribution may be increased up to 80% of the total eligible costs.


The essential eligibility criteria of action grants are specified in the calls for proposals. Norwegian institutions are eligible to apply.

Additional information

Proposals to the EU4Health programme, and the requirements are somewhat different from Horizon Europe proposals. Prospective applicants should therefore scrutinize support documents and conditions that apply. Find links to additional information below

Information webinar on open calls

The webinar will present the funding opportunities on cancer, health promotion and disease prevention, digital health and other actions.  The webinar takes place on 19 September 10.00 – 16.00. Read more and register here (external link)


External Funding Office

Published Feb. 9, 2024 10:25 AM - Last modified Aug. 23, 2024 1:50 PM