Cross-border pilot projects with research infrastructure in life science - HALRIC

Hanseatic Life Science Research Infrastructure Consortium for triple-helix innovation (HALRIC) provides funding for pilot projects at the HALRIC partner organizations. Open-ended deadline until 30 September 2025.

Hanseatic Life Science Research Infrastructure Consortium for triple-helix innovation (HALRIC) works to strengthen the research and innovation capacity in the Life Science sector. Consisting of 21 institutions across southern Norway, Sweden, Denmark and northern Germany, HALRIC offers financial support for travel and salary for up to 9 months for cross-border collaborations within advanced life science research


Each project can apply for support for typically 6-month-long projects, but proposals for shorter and longer projects will be considered.


Financial support can only be awarded to HALRIC partner organizations. UiO is represented by The Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Projects must be related to the use of at least one life science research infrastructure at one of the HALRIC partner organizations in the ÖKS-Hamburg region.

How to apply?

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the local cross-border ambassador Bjørn Dalhus before applying.  

Consult this note provided by the HALRIC ambassador at UiO for further information regarding the HALRIC cross-border collaboration programme.

The HALRIC pilot projects website also contains additional information on how to apply. 


Bjørn Dalhus,

Published June 9, 2023 10:41 AM - Last modified June 9, 2023 10:55 AM