FRIPRO Researcher Project for Experienced Scientists

The Research Council of Norway's FRIPRO call for Experienced Scientists is open. Deadline: open-ended.

FRIPRO is the Research Council of Norway (RCN) funding for bottom-up and researcher initiated projects.

The scheme funds free, bold and innovative research at the forefront of international research, both basic and applied.

There are separate calls

What will be funded

FRIPRO Experienced Scientists projects may receive from NOK 4 mill-12 mill. Project duration may be from 36-96 months.

Eligibility requirements for Experienced Scientists

To be eligible for this call, you must have an approved doctorate or achieved associate professor qualifications at least six years prior to submitting the application.

You can only be the project manager for one application to the FRIPRO scheme at a time.

Submission Restrictions

  • As project manager for an application submitted to FRIPRO, you will be given a one-year waiting period in FRIPRO. During the waiting period, you cannot be the project manager for a new application for funding from FRIPRO.
  • There is also a submission restriction period for project managers for FRIPRO applications with a mark average below specified limits. Please read the call text for details.

If you are already the project manager for a project funded by FRIPRO, you can only be the project manager for a new application for funding from FRIPRO if the new project has a start date after the end date for the ongoing project in the first approved contract. If you are unsure which date applies to you, contact the case officer for the ongoing project.

Additional information

We recommend to carefully read the call to update yourself on their new eligibility rules and practices due to the Research Council of Norway’s new procedures for processing and evaluating proposals.

For more details about the call, see the full call text on the RCN website.


Heidi Roggen:

Published Aug. 18, 2023 3:17 PM - Last modified Mar. 25, 2024 4:48 PM