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How to book a counselling appointment

The Team for Research Training’s polyclinic offers the following review and feedback on applications for admission to the PhD programme.

The counselling service is meant for candidates who have secured funding and supervisors

Please note that this is not a general counselling service. It is meant for candidates who have secured funding and supervisors.

WebID – logon access to UiO external users

If you don`t have an UiO account, you must create a Web-ID account to book an appointment.

You can book 20 minutes digital counselling or, if you prefer, an in person meeting at Sogn Arena, Klaus Torgårdvei 3, Oslo.

Book an appointment here

1. Check which dates we can offer appointments

screenshot of a calendar with dates

2. Pick a time slot that fits you

screenshot of time slots

3. 3. Leave a comment if you wish for us to arrange an in person meeting. If you want a digital meeting, leave the comment section blank.

screenshot of comment field

Published Nov. 17, 2021 2:00 PM - Last modified Sep. 4, 2023 9:58 AM