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Peer review of the PhD project

If a peer review has not been carried out when allocating funds to the project, this must be done by using the peer review form (docx). The peer review should be made by someone recruited either from within the faculty or outside the faculty. He/she must have a PhD and must be familiar with your field of study, but cannot be involved in the project.

Reviewers must be able to confirm that they:

  • are not related to you or any of the supervisors, nor do they have close relations with any of you
  • do not have any joint publications with the you
  • do not have any joint publications with your supervisors the last five years
  • do not know of any other circumstances that they consider to impair their impartiality

The peer review should be based on the following points:

  • Relevance: A clear target audience for the research, community benefit, compliance with strategic documents, user involvement
  • Background, status of knowledge and originality: Scientific background for the project, overview of the research front, up to date reference literature, academic news values and originality, degree of innovation
  • Approaches, hypotheses and choice of method: The project’s primary and secondary objectives, presentation of hypotheses, description of theoretical framework and choice of method
  • Feasibility: A realistic and appropriate plan, implementation (milestones), identify risk with possible alternative strategies for implementation, available data for pilot projects, other preliminary data where relevant, possible stay abroad
  • Research environment: Description of positions and roles, infrastructure, access to equipment and resources, academic networks, relevant partners, learning environment, supervisory capacity and competence
  • Ethical perspectives: An account of any ethical issues related to the implementation of the project and the handling of these, obtained ethical approvals
  • Dissemination: Publication plan (academic – journals and popular scientific – which channels), any user-group-oriented dissemination (to whom and how)


Published June 30, 2021 10:37 AM - Last modified Dec. 28, 2023 12:47 PM