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Application and admission - PhD

There are several ways into the PhD programme. You can apply for admission with a doctoral research fellowship at the faculty, or you can apply with external funding.

When the funding is in place, you must regardless of where you are employed apply for admission to the faculty's PhD programme, normally within 3 months after the project started. 

Apply for admission to the PhD programme at the Faculty of Medicine

Doctoral research fellowships at the Faculty of Medicine

Doctoral research fellowships related to subjects, research fields or projects are announced by the Institutes with application deadlines. Vacant positions at the faculty.

If you get a doctoral research fellowship you will be employed by the University while taking your PhD, and you will have the same rights and obligations as other employees. This is regardless of whether the source of funding is UiO, The Research Council of Norway or other funding sources.

External funding

You can apply for admission to the PhD programme and be employed by an institution other than UiO.  The project funding may for example come from:

  • a position at a college or another university,
  • a position at another scientific institution with time to do your own research,
  • a position at a university hospital with time to do your own research.

Industrial PhD and Public Sector PhD

Admission to the PhD programme requires a cooperation agreement and funding from the Research Council of Norway. 

Apply for admission to the PhD programme with a cooperation agreement