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How external applicants can apply for elective PhD courses in medicine and health sciences

Applicants who have not been admitted to a PhD programme or the Medical Student Research Programme in medicine or dentistry at UiO must apply for a right to study before they can apply for elective PhD courses in medicine and health sciences.

NB! The introductory courses at the Faculty of Medicine, MF9010E and MF9030E, are restricted to PhD candidates at the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry, UiO. You cannot, therefore, apply for admission to MF9010E Intro I and MF9030E Intro II with this right to study.

1. Application for a right to study elective PhD courses in Søknadsweb

Applicants who have not been admitted to a PhD programme or to the Medical Student Research Programme at UiO must apply for a right to study in Søknadsweb before they can apply for elective PhD courses in medicine and health sciences.

In order for you to be apply for a right to study, confirmation of one of the following is required:

  • formal admission to a PhD programme or a medical student research programme at an educational institution within EU/EEA
  • master degree from an educational institution within EU/EEA
  • admission to a master degree programme at an educational institution within EU/EEA
  • Post Doc position at an educational institution within EU/EEA.

Please upload documentation in Søknadsweb. The documentation must be in English or Norwegian.

Application period for a right to study in Søknadsweb is:

Spring:       1 November - 1 May

Autumn:     1 May - 1 November

Note that elective PhD courses have different application periods. You should apply for a right to study minimum 3 weeks before the course application deadlines. Information about course deadlines are posted in the course descriptions

2. Application for elective PhD courses in Studentweb

When you have received a confirmation of a right to study, you can apply for admission to elective PhD courses in medicine and health sciences in Studentweb.

Application period for a elective PhD courses in Studentweb is:

Spring:       1 December - 1 May

Autumn:     1 June - 1 November

Note that the elective PhD courses have individual deadlines. Information about deadlines can be found in the individual course descriptions. You are responsible for enrolling in courses within the set deadlines.

Information about when you can expect an answer to application for admission to elective PhD courses can be found in the individual course descriptions.

Published Apr. 28, 2016 2:06 PM - Last modified Aug. 21, 2023 9:45 AM