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Information about events, deadlines and changes relevant to the PhD education.

Published June 6, 2024 10:10 AM

The Research Education Team will be closed for the summer from 1 July to 1 August.

July is UiO's holiday month and will not be included when setting a deadline for submitting a recommendation or determining a date of a public defence (six-week rule).

See dates for trial lecture and public defence in connection with holidays

Have a great summer!

Published Sep. 4, 2023 10:07 AM

YES (Young European Scientist) meeting has three main goals in mind: biomedical student education, presentation of biomedical research projects developed by students, and creation of a student network around the globe.

More information

Published Dec. 2, 2021 10:33 AM

Nordic Doctoral Training in Health Sciences (NorDoc) is a consortium for doctoral schools/faculties of health sciences in the Nordic countries. As a PhD student enrolled at one of these doctoral schools/faculties of health sciences, you can participate in the courses in the database for free. Please note that expenses for course participation-related board, lodging and travelling may (or may not) be covered by your home organisation and you should contact them about questions related to this.


1)    Where can you find NorDoc Course Database?
NorDoc Course Database

2)    What courses can you find there?
Most courses posted in the database are scientific courses. There may also be a few generic courses with seats available for PhD students across the NorDoc universities...

Published Jan. 30, 2020 1:25 PM

When the doctoral examination has been approved you will receive two documents as documentary proof of the degree:

  1. A diploma in Norwegian and English
  2. A ceremonial diploma in Latin

More information

Published June 25, 2019 1:26 PM

Information about Individual Development Plan (IDP) from Science Careers

Published May 9, 2019 10:06 AM

Researchers at UiO and OUS can now publish their research openly (open access) with Elsevier and Wiley without incurring any extra costs for the researcher / research group. UiO cover the publication costs through the recently signed agreement with the publisher.

The agreements state that first-time authors / corresponding authors associated with UiO and OUS can publish peer-reviewed research articles openly in Elsevier and Wiley's pure Open Access journals and in their subscription journals (hybrid). The articles are published under a CC license. UiO cover the publication cost (APC) through these agreements.

The Elsevier agreement has retroactive effect, which means that Elsevier will contact authors who have already published wi...

Published July 5, 2018 9:31 AM

Learn to speak, write and understand basic Norwegian, with this free, four-week, introductory foreign language course.

Join course for free